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Quantifying Groundwater Availability in the South Metro Denver Area
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Milly A. Powell, Steve A. Schmitzer

The metropolitan area south of Denver is one of the fastest-growing regions in the country, but it relies heavily on groundwater from the nonrenewable Denver Basin Aquifer. Denver Water is participating with the Colorado River Water Conservation District and 12 water supply organizations to analyze alternatives to develop sustainable water supplies for the area. ArcInfo and the ArcGrid extension were used to determine the volume of groundwater in the aquifer and the amount previously claimed through the water rights system. Results of the groundwater availability analysis will be incorporated into a model to predict long-term aquifer performance under various combinations of well recharge, groundwater pumping, and surface water diversion alternatives.

Milly A. Powell
Denver Water
1600 W 12th Ave
MS 414
Denver, CO 80254-3412

Phone: 303 628-6532
Fax: 303 628 6852