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Paper  Project Innovation: Overhauling the Permit Processing System in Honolulu
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Ken Schmidt, Jim denOtter, Berna Cabacungan

The City and County of Honolulu are constantly challenged to improve service to the public. This requires embracing many initiatives for change. In 1997, a major City-wide reorganization placed all development permit activities (e.g., building, grading, subdivision, zoning, and sewer connections) into a single department. Operations—from permit application to site inspection—were realigned to create a new permit center. Reengineering of the processes, organization, and technology dramatically changed the underlying permit review and approval function. This paper presents the implementation models, decision making structures, information system requirements, deployment issues, and the cost benefits of overhauling such basic governmental services.

Ken Schmidt
City and County of Honolulu
650 S. King St.
Honolulu, HI 96813

Phone: 808-527-6012
Fax: 808-527-6743