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High Performance Spatial Indexing in Databases
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Author(s): Edwin Katibah, Mark Ashworth

Storage, manipulation, and query support of spatial data in relational databases is gaining wide acceptance as business problems demand this type of application rigor. As databases grow in size, storage, manipulation and query support of spatial data in relational databases is gaining wide acceptance as business problems demand this type of application rigor. As databases grow in size, as projects load larger and larger data sets, high-performance spatial indexes become critical to application design, and ultimately, success. This paper will discuss the design, implementation, and practical usage of modern high-performance spatial indexes, concentrating on the well-known, R-tree access method.

Edwin Katibah
Informix Software
300 Lakeside Dr. Ste. 2700
Oakland, CA 94612

Phone: 510/628-5679
Fax: 510/628-3880