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Paper  Predictive Ecosystem Mapping Using a Raster GIS Model in the Interior of British Columbia
Track: Ecology, Archaeology, and Conservation
Author(s): Maureen V Ketcheson

This paper presents the use of raster GIS modeling to map ecosystems in the interior of British Columbia, Canada. The model used a range of input layers representing elements of the landscape, terrain, and vegetation cover. The inputs included physiographic attributes of terrain shape, slope position, and received solar energy, which were extracted from a detailed elevation model. A knowledge-based classification process was applied against the input layers to predict the presence of ecosystems within biogeoclimatic subzones. The accuracy of the model is examined in relation to field verification data. The usefulness of the mapping product is discussed with respect to wildlife and forestry management.

Maureen V Ketcheson
JMJ Holdings Ltd.
208-507 Bakre Street
Nelson, British Columbia V1L 4J2

Phone: 250-354-4914
Fax: 250-354-1162