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ArcView Spatial Analyst Tracks the Internal Changes of Shanghai City
Track: Modeling
Author(s): Shan Zeng

Shanghai City has experienced sharp change from the late 1970s. This is true not only in the external appearance or the city, which is easily tangible, but also in the internal land use structure that lays the foundation for the above phenomena. This paper develops a homogeneity model of urban land use, based on their entropy, to track such internal changes of the City. This model calculates the degree of homogeneity cell by cell; each cell in the resulting grid represents the degree of heterogeneity and homogeneity of land use in its neighborhood at a certain radius. Thus the evolution of such structure is detected by comparing land use data from different periods. The Spatial Analyst extension of ArcView GIS is capable of undertaking such neighborhood calculation based on map algebra. This paper utilizes this function to make meaningful conclusions.

Shan Zeng
Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Building 917, Datun Road
Beijing, 100101

Phone: 86-10-64855687
Fax: 86-10-64855685