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Locating and Registering Animal Agriculture in Minnesota
Track: Agriculture
Author(s): Scott Alan Freburg

In recent years, animal feedlots have become increasingly controversial in Minnesota, as the number of large feedlots and concerns about the impact on both air and water quality have grown significantly. The Generic Environmental Impact Statement, or "GEIS," on Animal Agriculture is a State-wide study funded through the Legislature to "examine the long-term effects of the livestock industry, as it exists and as it is changing..." The GEIS will provide a full public examination of environmental, economic, health, and social factors. This paper explores this controversial project and examines the role of GIS in decision making.

Scott Alan Freburg
Minnesota Planning
658 Cedar Street
Suite 330
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: 651-296-6600
Fax: 651-296-1212