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Historical Preservation of Michelson's Measuring Rod of the Universe Using ArcView
Track: Ecology, Archaeology, and Conservation
Author(s): Michael John Keenan

This paper will demonstate to what extent ArcView can be utilized to document historical resources in California. Based on the State manual "Instructions for Recording Historical Resources," Albert Michelson's site where the velocity of light was measured, will be documented using ArcView. Field information collected with GPS, National Geodetic Survey Datasheets, and digital photos will then be entered into an ArcView project layout. All information will then be added to the "Primary" and "Location Map" .PDF formatted forms. Because these forms are "read only," the full utilization of ArcView is limited. ArcView does save application time, but a "read and write" form would make it a snap.

Michael John Keenan
353 Cambridge Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711

Phone: 909-626-8143