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How to Move All of Your GIS Data to a New UNIX SAN Disk Environment Without Getting Killed
Track: System Implementation for GIS
Author(s): Chuck Rinehart, Robert Graham

Conoco, Inc., a global energy company, recently installed a new UNIX Storage Area Network (SAN) disk environment for our Houston-based exploration scientists. The project to implement this disk technology required moving some four terrabytes of user data and applications to new SAN disks with minimal disruption of daily business operations. The SAN disks have new disk names, so every link and path had to be changed as files were moved. Here we describe how we moved some 120 GB of GIS libraries and 2,800 individual ArcView projects to SAN disks and redirected 180,000 embedded paths in APR files to new file locations.

Chuck Rinehart
Conoco, Inc.
600 N. Dairy Ashford Drive
Houston, TX 77079

Phone: 281-293-4367
Fax: 281-293-1333