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Automating GIS Dataset Maintenance with ArcView
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Author(s): Brian Hofflander

You've spent two years gathering citywide orthophotography and planimetic features, yet the GIS data set is outdated by the time you get to it. How do you get a handle on the backlog of projects and the daunting task of GIS data set maintenance with the scarce resources of budget, people, and time that all cities face? This paper will discuss the methodology and procedures used in a project developed to address the issues of GIS data set maintenance. The project allows users to input, track, and manage the data maintenance updates to the ArcInfo basemap coverages, all within a customized ArcView project.

Brian Hofflander
Merrick & Company
One Commerce Center
7222 Commerce Center Drive, Suite 120
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Phone: 719 260-8874
Fax: 719 260-6098