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Paper  Landscape Controls on the Spatial Distribution of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE)
Track: Ski/Avalanche
Author(s): Todd Ackerman, Tyler Erickson, Mark Williams

An overarching concern in snow hydrology is the spatial distribution of snow water equivalence (SWE). Our ability to utilize spatially distributed models of snowmelt and runoff is limited by our ability to adequately characterize the spatial distribution of SWE. We will present a study of an alpine basin in Colorado for which a DEM is available and the major landscape types have been mapped and digitized onto a GIS. Using a combination of field measurements and geostatistical techniques, we have estimated the distribution of snow water equivalent throughout the basin and compared it to the mapped landscape types to investigate the relationship of snow water equivalent to land cover type, slope, and aspect.

Todd Ackerman
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Campus Box 450
Boulder, CO 80209-0450
Phone: 303-492-4771