Abstract![]() Geomorphometric Modeling of Mountain Permafrost Creep Using GIS Track: Modeling Author(s): Regula Frauenfelder, Etzelmüller Bernd, Schneider Bernhard Rockglaciers--permafrost creep features on mountain slopes--are common landforms in high mountain areas. The knowledge about temporal and spatial variability of regional rockglacier distribution is still relatively limited. Geomorphometry, the quantitative treatment of the morphology of landforms, provides a powerful tool to model landform distribution. The basic assumption hereby is that there exist close relationships between surface processes and particular topographic characteristics, which themselves are expressed as topographic parameters. In the present study, we applied terrain analysis and classification based on digital elevation models (DEMs) to model the rockglacier occurrence in a study area in the Swiss Alps. Regula Frauenfelder University of Zurich Dept. of Geography Winterthurerstr. 190 Office Y25K68 Zurich , Zurich 8057 Switzerland Phone: ++4116355139 Fax: ++416356848 E-mail: rfelder@geo.unizh.ch Etzelmüller Bernd University of Oslo Dept. of Geography P.O.Box 1042, Blindern Oslo , Oslo 0316 Norway Phone: ++22857229 E-mail: bernd.etzelmuller@geografi.uio.no Schneider Bernhard University of Basel Dept. of Earth Sciences Bernoullistr. 32 Basel , Basel 4056 Switzerland Phone: ++41612673614 E-mail: bernhard.schneider@unibas.ch |