2004 UC Proceedings Abstract
![]() Using CommunityViz for Decision Support Applications in Northwest Arkansas Track: State and Local Government Author(s): Brian Culpepper The RGIS Mid-South office (http://www.ruralgis.org) has completed several "technical demonstrations" using one of the latest decision-support products, CommunityViz 1.3. An overview of our techniques and lessons learned during our pilot project will be discussed. The tasks identified by the community for the original demonstration were the estimation of the community's potable water usage in the future, the measure of the increase in total impervious surface area, and the loss of prime farmland soil due to estimated development trends. A desktop GIS application was developed with CommunityViz to assist the City Administrators with Open Space planning, and our experiences with this process will also be discussed. The discussion of these pilot products should be of interest to anyone considering the implementation of similar planning support technologies into any moderately-sized rural community within the United States. Brian Culpepper University of Arkansas, Fayetteville CAST / RGIS, Mid-South 888 Frisco Ave Fayetteville , AR 72701 US Phone: 479 575-8745 Fax: 479 575-5218 E-mail: brian@cast.uark.edu |