

Applying ArcGIS Server to Educational Administration
Track: Education
Author(s): Hsin Fang Chang

Traditional educational administration relies on nonspatial information and lacks visual representation of regional difference. Web GIS technology is adopted to assist in visualizing the real world and to integrate data from various sources. ArcGIS Server is chosen to perform advanced GIS functionalities and to distribute information to the public.

A Web service application is developed to help educational administrators distribute subsidies to the schools based on certain criteria. The functionalities include query, statistical analysis, and map display. The geodatabase contains locational data, school basic data, and subsidy data. The issues of integrating various data are discussed in this paper as well. In addition to existing functionalities, online data updating service will be introduced into the application in the future.

Hsin Fang Chang
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
No. 128, Section 2, Academia Road, Nankang
Taipei , Taiwan 115
Phone: 886-2-27829555
E-mail: chan0631@gate.sinica.edu.tw