

Strategic Planning for Park Acquisition: A GIS Based Approach
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Melissa Clark

Municipalities across the country are increasingly wrestling with issues resulting from urban sprawl and development. Thus, in order to maintain a high quality of life for their residents, acquiring additional parkland is a priority for many park departments. In some cases acquisitions are identified through non-strategic approaches, i.e. staff awareness of the parcels or interest initiated by the landowner. However, this reactive approach may result in haphazard acquisition of parkland and a disconnected park system. Thus, The City of Ann Arbor has utilized GIS to embark on a Strategic Planning Process for parkland acquisitions. Through GIS, vacant parcels were identified and ranked based on their suitability for acquisition as a park. A separate ranking schema was developed for each of the four types of parks (neighborhood parks, regional parks, urban parks, and natural areas). This process provides a strategic approach to ensure the viability of the park system.

Melissa Clark
City of Ann Arbor
Community Services
100 N. Fifth Ave, P.O. Box 8647
Ann Arbor , MI 48107-8647
Phone: 734-994-8113
E-mail: mclark@ci.ann-arbor.mi.us