
Planning for Climate Change—ClimateWise
Track: Climate Change
Authors: Richard Nauman, Jessica Leonard

Our ClimateWise program uses GIS to incorporate climate modeling data in community-based climate change adaptation planning. Modeling efforts have produced a series of large, spatially explicit datasets projecting future climatic conditions. The volume of information produced by these efforts coupled with the technical difficulty of accessing the data, processing it, and displaying it in a GIS environment has limited their usefulness for non-technical audiences. We have developed Python scripts that use the built-in geoprocessing functionality of ArcGIS to access these files and produce cartographic and tabular output used in climate adaptation planning processes. When incorporated into a facilitated series of forums, these data have proven valuable communities creating climate change adaptation plans at the river basin scale. Our process integrates the needs of cultural, ecological, economic, social, and built sectors of communities and results in robust action plans that build resistance and resilience in human and natural systems.

Richard Nauman
National Center for Conservation Science and Policy
84 Fourth Street
Ashland, Oregon 97520
United States
Phone: 541-482-4459
E-mail: rich@nccsp.org

Jessica Leonard
National Center for Conservation Science and Policy
84 4th st
Ashland, Oregon 97540
United States
Phone: 541-482-4459
E-mail: jessica@nccsp.org