AbstractLocal Climate Change GIS-databased Visioning Tools for Community Decision-Making Track: Climate Change Author Climate change has become the key topic in urban and landscape planning because today, planners have to decide on the mitigation and adaptation measures that future will bring into action. However, there is a gap between the state of research and its current consideration in planning. The reasons are the complexity of climate change impact and the uncertainties that are linked to it. In this context, GIS is a potential tool for capacity building. With regard to international case studies, GIS is used to identify the potential spatial consequences of different adaptation and mitigation scenarios. Especially, the model builder allows varying alternative scenarios, considering the impact of different adaptation and mitigation measures. The visualization using the globe metaphor illustrates the global context of local action. Olaf Schroth CALP/UBC Dept. of Forest Resource Mgmt. Faculty of Forestry UBC 2045-2424 Main Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada Phone: 778-990 6991 E-mail: olaf_schroth@gmx.de Philip Paar Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB) Takustr. 7 Berlin 14195 Germany Phone: +49 30 84185-338 E-mail: paar@zib.de |