This is the file order.aml. It is designed to calculate the ordering sequence for a connected stream system.
ec test2 &label beginning &sv .num1 = 0 &sv howmany = 0 ef node &sv .num2 [show maximum node#] /* Select all the labels and figure out how &label here /* many times you must go through /* the loop to select all the records. ef arc &sv .num1 = %.num1% + 1 /* Set up a counter which will bail &if %.num1% > %.num2% &then &goto test /* you out of the program when it reaches /* beyond the number of records. sel fnode# = %.num1% &sv .num30 = [show number select] /* If the arc attached to the node already &if %.num30% = 0 &then &goto skip /* has been ordered, skip down to the &sv .num31 = [show select 1] /* bottom. This avoids calculating &sv .num32 = [show arc %.num31% item order] /* the order and all the logic statements. &if %.num32% > 0 &then &goto here &label skip sel tnode# = %.num1% /* Select a to-node equal to the counter. &sv .num3 = [show number select] /* If none are selected, then run ord1.aml /* If one is selected, it is a pseudonode, &if %.num3% = 0 &then &run ord1.aml /* and ord2.aml should be run. &if %.num3% = 1 &then &run ord2.aml /* If two or more are selected, then there &if %.num3% = 2 &then &run ord3.aml /* are a slew of possible iterations. &if %.num3% = 3 &then &run ord4.aml /* Ord3 and ord4 are designed for these &goto here &label test &sv howmany = %howmany% + 1 sel order = 0 /* Check to see if there are any unordered &sv .junk [show number select] /* channels: if there are none, then the aml &if %.junk% = 0 &then &stop /* stops. Otherwise, go back up to top. &if %.junk% ne 0 &then &goto beginning &label ender &stop
sel fnode# = %.num1% /* In this case, all channels are calc order = 1 /* first order. &return
sel tnode# = %.num1% &sv .num4 [show select 1] /* Check the order of the contributing channel &sv .num5 = [show arc %.num4% item order] &if %.num5% = 0 &then &return /* If the contributing stream has no order /* assignation, return to the program sel fnode# = %.num1% /* Otherwise calc the order of the downstream calc order = %.num5% /* section equal to the value of the upstream section. &return
&sv .num6 [show select 1] &sv .num8 [show arc %.num6% item order] /* First set up the global variables &sv .num7 [show select 2] /* equal to the order of incoming streams &sv .num9 [show arc %.num7% item order] &if %.num8% = 0 &then &return /* If either of the streams is unlabeled, &if %.num9% = 0 &then &return /* return to the main program. &if %.num8% > %.num9% &then &sv .num10 = %.num8% /* If one of the incoming streams has a higher value &if %.num9% > %.num8% &then &sv .num10 = %.num9% /* use that value for the downstream channel. &if %.num8% = %.num9% &then &sv .num10 = %.num8% + 1 /* If they have the same value, use that value + 1 sel fnode# = %.num1% calc order = %.num10% &return
&sv .num11 [show select 1] &sv .num12 [show arc %.num11% item order] /* Set up some global variable equal to the order &sv .num13 [show select 2] /* values of the three incoming streams. &sv .num14 [show arc %.num13% item order] &sv .num15 [show select 3] &sv .num16 [show arc %.num15% item order] &if %.num12% = 0 &then &return /* Return to the main program if any of the &if %.num14% = 0 &then &return /* incoming streams are unlabeled. &if %.num16% = 0 &then &return &if %.num12% > %.num14% and %.num12% > %.num16% &then &sv .num17 = %.num12% /* if all the values for incoming streams &if %.num14% > %.num12% and %.num14% > %.num16% &then &sv .num17 = %.num14% /* are labeled, then they are checked to &if %.num16% > %.num14% and %.num16% > %.num12% &then &sv .num17 = %.num16% /* determine if they are all different; if /* so, set order (.num17) = greatest value &if %.num12% = %.num14% and %.num12% = %.num16% &then &sv .num17 = %.num12% + 1 /* If they are all the same order, then /* new order = order + 1 &if %.num12% > %.num14% and %.num14% = %.num16% &then &sv .num17 = %.num12% /* If 2 are the same, but 3rd is higher, then &if %.num14% > %.num12% and %.num12% = %.num16% &then &sv .num17 = %.num14% /* set the new order = highest of the 3 &if %.num16% > %.num12% and %.num12% = %.num14% &then &sv .num17 = %.num16% &if %.num12% < %.num14% and %.num14% = %.num16% &then &sv .num17 = %.num14% + 1 /* If 2 are same, but 3rd is lower, then &if %.num14% < %.num12% and %.num12% = %.num16% &then &sv .num17 = %.num12% + 1 /* set order = value of 2 + 1 &if %.num16% < %.num12% and %.num12% = %.num14% &then &sv .num17 = %.num12% + 1 sel fnode# = %.num1% /* Now select the fnode needed and calc its order calc order = %.num17% &return
This is an aml for creating watersheds for contributing areas to points inputted by the user.
A DEM is required, as is a flowdirection map, and a stream map is useful for helping discern
the bottomland areas.
mapex DEM
markerset municipal
markersym 201 /* First, show the area & have user zoom in.
markersize .05
points done_samp
textset plotter
textsym 97
textsize .3
text 'Zoom in on the desired area'
mapex *
linecolor 1
arcs wagu
linesym 4 /* Then show the stream network
arcs strmcopy2
markersize .15 /* Then show the points of interest
points done_samp
text 'Zoom in again'
mapex *
gridshades nofill10
linecolor 1
arcs wagu /* Zoom in again
linecolor 4
arcs strmcopy2
markersize .2
points done_samp
text 'Check to see the value of the target cell' /* Query what the point's target value is,
cellvalue samp_grid * /* which will serve as basis for map name
&sv .mapname = [response 'Enter the mapname (in CAPS)'] /* Ask user for the map name
%.mapname% = watershed (noflow10, selectpoint (nofill10, *)) /* Run the watershed routine interactively
gridshades %.mapname% /* Show the resultant map to the user
points done_samp
linecolor 1
arcs wagu
&sv okay = [response ' Does this look OK? y/n'] /* If the map is OK, then go on to extract info
&if %okay% = n &then &r subws1.aml /* If map is incorrect, delete it & start over
&if %okay% = y &then &run zonal.aml
&r subws2.aml
This AML kills off coverages that were improperly made by the watershed AML
kill %.mapname% all
&r subws2.aml