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Paper  Local Governments' Management of Rapid Growth Through Mapping Update Projects
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Bill Zeman

Many local governments throughout the southwest are contending with land use and service management issues caused by rapid residential and commercial development. One of their prime challenges is maintaining an accurate and useful GIS to provide effective services for the community. HJW Geospatial, Inc. is an aerial photography and digital mapping firm that works with numerous city and county governments to maintain accurate basemaps for their GIS via regular periodic mapping updates.

This paper will focus on the value of updating existing orthophotography using Esri software. I will address the process of mapping updates, the costs, direct applications, and added value to growth management that this kind of project provides to local governments.

Bill Zeman
HJW Geospatial, Inc.
8407 Edgewater Drive
Oakland, CA 94621

Phone: 510.638.6122
Fax: 510.638.5628