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Paper  Webcasting Technologies to Enhance and Deliver GIS Events
Track: K-12 Education and Library Science
Author(s): Thomas R Baker, Steven B Case, Kenneth A Nelson

GIS Day is an outstanding opportunity for presenting the capabilities of a GIS to schools, the public, and industries. Unfortunately, limited personnel and restrictive scheduling often make face-to-face visits difficult. Webcasting technologies allow for a method of addressing these issues. Utilizing real-time and on-demand webcasts, we are now better able to deliver effective promotional efforts in a timely and efficient manner. This presentation will cover the creation, implementation, and evaluation of webcasting technologies to deliver GIS Day demonstrations to schools and organizations around the world. Technologies discussed will include ArcView, ArcIMS, Windows Media Services, Real Networks solutions, and interactive Web-design components.

Thomas R Baker
University of Kansas
702B Pearson Hall - Education
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045

Phone: 785-864-0554