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Paper  Tools for California's Drinking Water Source Assessment Program
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Michael S Byrne

The California Department of Health Services (DHS) is responsible for mapping and completing Drinking Water Source Assessments for 16,000 active public drinking water sources in California. Using Visual Fox Pro, Trimble Pathfinder Office, Microsoft Visual Basic, and Esri's ArcIMS, the Information Center for the Environment at UC Davis has developed tools to capture locations using GPS, delineate groundwater protection zones, and incorporate possible contaminating activities. Interactive Web solutions and thick client data feedback mechanisms were used. Completed assessments for all sources are expected by spring 2002.

Michael S Byrne
UC Davis Information Center for the Environment
1 Shields Ave
Wickson Hall
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530) 754-5933
Fax: (530) 752-3350