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Paper  Using MapObjects for Enterprise GIS at the City of Calgary
Track: System Implementation for GIS
Author(s): Stephen Gale

In mid-1999, the City of Calgary (population 800,000) selected Esri software as their enterprise GIS. The GIS office has now implemented a centralized ArcSDE database, with ArcInfo for spatial data creation, ArcView for power users, ArcIMS for Intranet delivery, and MapObjects in Visual Basic for desktop application development. This paper presents a summary of how MapObjects is being used for the delivery of GIS. Existing Visual Basic applications have been spatially enabled through the use of a map component. With a minimum of effort, the map component can be added to any VB application. A technical overview of the component will be provided.

Stephen Gale
The City of Calgary
PO Box 2100
Stn M
Calgary, Alberta T2P 2M5

Phone: (403) 268-5178
Fax: (403) 268-8120