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Paper  Mathematical Modeling of Toxics Fate, Transport, and Bioaccumulation Using GIS
Track: Environment Management
Author(s): Ferdi L Hellweger, Kevin M Farley, Darin R Damiani

A toxic chemical fate, transport, and bioaccumulation system has been developed by linking EPA's WASTOX FORTRAN code to ArcView. The system, called GISTOX, is fully compatible with EPA's BASINS database. River reach information, water quality data, and point source loads are automatically extracted from the database. The system supports solids sorption, volatilization, biodegradation, and hydrolysis fate processes. The present version of the system is restricted to steady state transport in one dimension. The bioaccumulation part of the model is set up using a preset food web structure consisting of benthic invertebrate, phytoplankton, zooplankton, small fish, and large fish.

Ferdi L Hellweger
1 Lethbridge Plaza
Mahwah, NJ 07430

Phone: (201) 529-5151
Fax: (201) 529-5728