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Paper  A Comparison of Digitizing: FastCAD, FreeHand, and PC ARC/INFO
Track: Database Design, Automation, and Management
Author(s): Robert A. Ore

This study used a single "map" to test response times, accuracy, perception, and usability of three different types of software: FastCAD, PC ARC/INFO, and FreeHand. The testing was done at the University of Kansas in the Department of Geography from 1996 to 1998. The results represent individual observations of more than 40 participants experiencing, learning, practicing, and eventually digitizing maps using two or three of the software packages tested. This paper first outlines the steps taken to formulate and design the test and develop the testing procedures. The test results focus on the comparison of response times and accuracy. The data shows some correlative results, the most notable being an unexpected difference between the hardware systems used for digitizing and the software.

Robert A. Ore
ETG Inc.
7304 W. 130th Street Suite 200
Overland Park, KS 66213-2638

Phone: 913.851.4492
Fax: 913.851.8357