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Paper  What's New with EPA/Office of Water's BASINS Water Quality Model
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Edward Partington, David Wells

EPA's BASINS application is a comprehensive watershed modeling tool integrated with ArcView. It is used by EPA, states, and local agencies in performing watershed, water quality, and TMDL analysis. This paper describes the new models, utilities, and data provided in BASINS version 3. The user's choice includes the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a simple export coefficient-based model (PLOAD), and HSPF supported through a Windows interface. BASINS 3.0 uses the ArcView Spatial Analyst extension with raster data such as DEM (elevation) and MRLC/NLCD (land cover).

Edward Partington
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
401 M St. SW
Mailstop 4305
Washington, DC, 20460

Phone: 202-260-3106
Fax: 202-260-9830