Example of subwatershed created with the watershed AML

Zoom image of subwatershed

Sample data set of GIS-extracted and field-collected data for a subwatershed.

site 122 order 6
width:depth 75.22 cross-sectional area (m^2) 17.98
channel width (cm) 3670.00 channel depth (cm) 49.15
soil type 1 soil group 1
watershed area ( m^2) 22989300 perimeter length ( m) 36380
thickness (m) 1485.4 X-centroid 598288.5
Y-centroid 3510043 X-outlet 592437
Y-oulet 3508240 major axis (m) 4668.202
minor axis (m) 1567.567 orientation (deg) 20.310
mean elevation (m) 1474.33 minimum elevation (m) 1379.96
maximum elevation (m) 1672.02 elevation change (m) 292.07
sum of channel length (m) 177468.2 maximum flow length (m) 14944.44
average slope (deg) 51.17 area:perimeter 631.92
basin shape 9.71 relief ratio 0.02

Idealized channel cross-section. Cross-sectional area = total width * average depth. Depth is measured at each break in slope and averaged as a function of distance from the left edge (looking upstream).
