Universities and Higher Education
Building Partnerships: Using an NSDI Clearinghouse Grant to Foster Collaboration and Data Sharing in the Shenandoah Valley Region of Virginia
Classroom Laboratory Exercises Using ArcView GIS Version 3.1
Community College Checklist for Major National Science Foundation Grants - How to Manage and Organize Your College Participation
Coordinating a State-wide Site License: The Oregon Experience
Design of a University GIS Program: Prospects and Challenges
Developing GIS Exercises for Non-GIS Courses
Development and Implementation Issues for GIS Education in Community Colleges: A Firsthand Perspective
Distributing Internet-Based GIS to Remote College Classrooms
Geospatial Education: Partnerships for Success
Industry-Driven Regional Collaborative: CANS Economic Development Model
Interns: A Major Help in the Expansion of a GIS Program
Investigating Active Learning Strategies for GIS Education
Online GIS Education: Adding Online Materials and Assignments to Your Courses While Keeping Course Maintenance to a Minimum
Teaching Spatial Analysis for Hydrology and Watershed Management
That's Not How You're Supposed to Use GIS!--Rethinking GIS as an Administrative Tool at a Major University
The Introduction of Geographic Information Systems through Arcview GIS in a Business School Curriculum
Threading GIS Throughout a Forestry and Natural Resources Curriculum