Education (K-12) and Library Science
A Generic Secondary School GIS Cross Curriculum Integration Process: A Case Study
A Nationwide Analysis of the Implementation of GIS in High School Education
A Powerful Combination: Schoolchildren, Environmental Data, and ArcView GIS--Focusing on Texas Wetlands
AuThenTiCITY--Authentically Involving Youth in Community Problem Solving Through Mapping and Service Learning
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Initiative (Landsat, weather events, water quality)
The Effectiveness of GIS in High School Education
Exploring the Past to Influence the Future
Geodata Across the Campus Network: Library GIS Data Services at North Carolina State University
GIS in the Detroit Public Schools Advanced Studies Program
GIS Use in Education Programs in New Jersey
Graduate Students + Grade School (K-12) + Geography Standards + GIS = Great Success!?
Idaho Geospatial Data Center
Impact and Success: Evaluating a GIS Training Institute
Integrating GIS into Marketing: Some Practical Suggestions
Jump-starting GIS Use in the Classroom: Using ArcView GIS as a Tool to Teach Science and Social Studies in the Secondary Classroom
K-12 Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Node Workshop
Learning WITH (and not about) GIS in K-12 Education
Map-IT! A Web-Based GIS Tool for Watershed Science Education
Mapping the Creighton School District: A GIS Journey
Panel Discussion on EdGIS 1999: Issues Impacting Future Success in K-12 GIS
Practical Applications of GIS for School Districts (a case study)
Toward a GIS for Library Administration and Research on the Internet