EMS/Fire/Disaster Management
112 DCCAD and CDAD Systems
911 Call Location Information System
A Study of Scenario-Type Seismic Damage Estimation by Using GIS
Architectural GIS in Disasters Then and Now
ArcView 3D Analyst as an Epidemiological Tool for Analysis Associated with the Oklahoma City Bombing
ArcView GIS Extensions for Incident Mapping
Building Enterprise GIS for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad
City of Missouri City Public Safety Map Book: A Mapping Application Serving Fire Department, Police Department, and Public Works Needs
Department of Energy Site Atlases
Development of a Flood Warning System
Disaster and Hazard Response
Economic Analysis of GIS in Fire Incident Management
Emergency Management System GIS MapObjects Utility
Fire Hydrant Maintenance Using GPS and GIS
Forest Fires and ArcView GIS--The Esther Lake Experience
Geospatial Techniques to Assess Fire Damage in South Africa
GIS Integration of Flood Modeling and Property Owner Notification
GIS Tools for Forest Fire Management
HAZUS, a GIS-Based Multihazard Loss Estimation Software Program
Historical Fire Patterns in an Urban-Wilderness Interface Using Aerial Photography and GIS
In the Path of Disasters: Developing a Web Interface for Emergency Management
Integration of Geospatial Data for Applications in Flood Prediction and Management
Large-Scale Zonation of Mass Movement Hazard Using GIS
Lifesaving Choices: Developing a Comprehensive Critical Facility Geospatial Database for Regional Emergency Management
Modeling a Floodline for a Catchment Using GIS: The Case of Pietermaritzburg in South Africa
On-Scene Coordinators Area Response System (OSCARS)
Scenario Type Seismic Damage Estimation for Yokohama, Japan
Use of a Geographic Information System in the Development of a Natural Disaster Recovery Plan
Using Satellite Imagery and GIS to Assess Wildfire Risk
Utilizing GIS for All-Risk Emergency Response Support--Are We There Yet?