A Framework for Multiscalar Ecosystem Management and Valuation: An Application to the Upper Chattahoochee River Watershed |
A GIS-Based Cultural Resource Analysis for the Cape Coast Castle World Heritage Site, Ghana |
A Hawk's Eye View: Building the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary GIS |
A Proposal for an Internet-Based Approach to Capture and Manage Spatial Data Associated with Wildlife Observations |
A Raster-Based GIS Analysis of the Cumulative Impacts of Humans and Beaver on Wetland Types in the Chickahominy River Watershed (Virginia, USA) |
A Year in Review: GIS/GPS Projects on the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation |
Applied Geographic Information Systems in Cooperative Natural Resource Projects: A California Example |
Archaeological Artifacts: Statistical Tests for Spatial Randomness |
Archaeological Spatial Databases for the Western United States |
Archaeology and GIS: New Visions of the Ancient Maya of Caracol, Belize |
The Bay Area EcoAtlas Toolbox: Making a Regional GIS |
Calculating Landscape Fragmentation Using a Gradient-Based Approach |
California Department of Fish and Game Applications for Conservation and Protection of Natural Resources |
Community-Based Conservation Planning and GIS |
Conservation International's PRISMA: A Multimedia Database Publisher |
Conversion of Historic Biological Field Data into Usable GIS Form |
Customer Service Toolkit: USDA Looks to the Future of Desktop GIS in a Mobile Computing Environment |
Design and Implementation of the Solar Analyst, an ArcView GIS Extension for Modeling Solar Radiation at Landscape Scales |
Development of a MEDicinal Plants Information System (MEDPIS) for Banavasi Range of Western Ghats, India, Using ArcView GIS/Avenue Programming |
Discovery, Dialog, Documentation, and Data: Kalaupapa National Historical Park, Molokai, Hawaii |
Environmental Design and Planning Practicum: Developing a Land Use Plan for Southwest Florida |
The Future of Ground Truthing CALVeg Accuracy Assessment: Using GPS and GIS |
Grid-Based Modeling for Land Use Planning and Environmental Resource Mapping |
Increasing the Efficiency of the Wetland Mitigation Process |
Integrated GIS Management of Sensitive and Significant Resources from a Traditional Tribal Perspective |
Integrating Traditional Tabular Data into an Online Mapping System |
Kiavah Wilderness Pilot Project: Beyond Interagency Partnerships in Wilderness Management |
Kissimmee River Restoration Project: A Case Study |
Mapping Biodiversity in Central America |
Mapping the Ancient Ones: Integrating GIS, GPS, and Remote Sensing for Pre-Columbian Landscape Reconstruction |
Modeling Vineyard Expansion in California's North Coast and Its Consequences for the Surrounding Oak Woodland Landscape |
Mojave Desert Ecosystem Program: A Spatial Database for the Ecoregion |
Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling in the North Coast of California Within a GIS: A Predictive Screening Tool for Watershed Management |
Predicting Prehistoric Site Locations in the Upper Chesapeake Bay |
Preservation Targeting for Wetlands Using GIS Techniques: A Model in the Chickahominy River Watershed, Virginia |
Protecting Biodiversity in the California Desert: Using GIS to Aid in the Management of Off-Highway Travel in the Urban-Wildland Interface |
Protecting Biodiversity Through a Network of Conservation Areas in the Southern Appalachian Region |
Regional System Geoecological Monitoring for Closing Mines Based on ArcView GIS |
The Role of Spatial Information in the Assessment of Cultural Affiliation |
Spatial Database Design and Implementation of BioTICs, Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI), Lansing, Michigan |
Species Richness of Hummingbird and Bat Pollinators in Arizona: Implications Using GIS Data for Conservation Biology |
Strategies for Land Conservation in Southeastern Michigan |
The California Historical Resources Information System |
The Hopi Tribe Land Information System: Managing Large Land Areas Using Remote Sensing and GIS |
The Salton Sea Database Program---An Information Clearinghouse to Facilitate Restoration Planning on California's Largest Lake |
Use of GIS in Watershed and Groundwater Modeling |
Using ARCGRID software's Pathdistance Function to Model Catchment Zones for Archaeological Sites on the Madaba Plain, Jordan |