1995 User Conference

Contents of the 1995 User Conference Proceedings


AM/FM Applications

A Complete GIS-based Storm Water Modeling Solution

Gas Distribution Applications and Modeling Techniques

Developing an AM/FM Application for the Water Utility Industry Using ArcInfo

AM/FM System Implementation - Case Studies

AM/FM Implementation Planning at Alabama Power

Case Study -- IMAGIS Revisited

GIS/AM/FM Integration: Case Study -- MSD-Lojic (Louisville, Kentucky)

Application Development

ArcStorm-Based Application Development

Testing and Q/A of GIS Applications

Geographic Information Systems: The Actuators of Information Technology in Power Utilities

Data Conversion & Design Issues for Utilities

The City of Glendale: Coming of Age in a GIS World, Cooperative Development of an Integrated GIS-Pipe Network Hydraulic Model

GIS Data Conversion for Water and Wastewater Systems

Automated Small Scale Map Generator

Emergency Response

Post Earthquake Analysis and Findings Using ArcInfo for Sewer System In City of Los Angeles

Integrating Floodplain Management and Numerical Modelling, Using ArcView

It Never Rains in Southern California...But Man, It Storms: Managing San Diego's Storm Drains with Customized ArcTools

Facility Planning/Siting

A GIS Application for Power Transmission Line Siting

Utility Siting: The Private/Public Partnership

Pipes: An Interoperable Hydraulic Pipe Network Model

Implementation Issues

The Central Role of GIS for Public Utilities and How to Make Your ArcInfo an Indispensable Tool for Yours

Planning Challenges in Integrating GIS, Facilities Maintenance, and Instrumentation in a Regional Water Utility


Building a Total Utility Management System Around an ArcInfo GIS

Using PC-Based GIS Tools to Enhance the Los Angeles Water System Modeling Project

Integrated Facilities Planning and Management at CMUD


Using ArcInfo to Comply with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Regulations

Designing Engineering and Planning Databases for Compliance with the Washington Growth Management Act and NPDES Stormwater Permitting

Using Raster and Vector GIS Data for Comprehensive Storm Water Management


Integrated Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Planning Using Geographic Information Systems

Urban Drainage Systems-An ArcView Application Integrating Asset Management and Numerical Modelling

Using ArcInfo To Value Infrastructural Assets In New Zealand

System Design/Implementation

Multiple-level Database Security Measures for GIS Facilities Management Map Maintenance Activities

The Development of a Pilot PC-Based Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Los Angeles Water System

Real Time Outage/Trouble Call Processing with ArcInfo: An Incremental Victory

Watershed Management

GIS and Watershed Management - Rouge River, Michigan

City of Los Angeles Storm Water Runoff Application


Map Making Processes

Automatic Editing for Annotations in the Case of Map-Reduction

Color Publishing of ArcInfo Maps - Trial, Error, and Success

MERCOSUR New Regional Cartography

POSITEXT: Intelligent Text Positioning Application for Forestry and Geological Surveys

Map Publication Processes

CRELEG - A Legend-Generator for ArcInfo

Atlas Production: From Conceptual Design to Final Product

New Directions in Output Technology

The Use of GIS Technology for the Production of High Quality School Maps

RevPG Development & Distribution

RevPG Workshop


Accuracy Asssessment

Characterizing Error in a Presettlement Vegetation Map

Conservation Biology: A Mission to Educate

Drawing Lines on the Map Conservation Biology and Land Use Planning

Interactive CD Product for the National Biological Survey Gap Analysis Program

The Wilderness Society's Center for Landscape Analysis: Outreach and Cooperation Efforts

GIS for Managing Resources and Taxonomy

A Digital Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Utah

GIS for Resource Management at the Lake Mead National Recreation Area

GIS for Parks Management and Resource Inventory

Applications of GIS Analysis for Natural Resource Management at the National Biological Service's Southern Science Center

GIS for Sustainable Development

A Metastructure of the Environmental Management Information System in the Republic of Croatia

Managing Nationwide Resources and Environmental Data with ArcInfo in China

GIS in Global Change Research

A Rule-based Application Program for the Purpose of Bio-diversity/Water Quality Planning

The Global Demography Project

GIS Based Ecosystem Indicators for National and Subnational Assessment

GIS in International Parks & Protected Areas

Application of the GIS in the Hydrologic Effects Caused by the Second Collective Facility Area Development in Mt. Kyeryong National Park

GIS Methods for Cultural Resource Management

GIS Implementation in Wisconsin Winnebago Nation

GIS as a Decision Making Tool within the General Management Plan of Palo Alto Battlefield National Historic Site

GIS Methods for Ecosystem Assessment

High-Value Natural Resources Identification Using GRID

Interior Columbia River Basin

GIS Methods for Wildlife and Refuge Management

Evaluating Bobcat Viability in the Santa Monica Mountains, California

Forest Elephant Distributions in Relation to the Distance from Roads in Gabon

The Computer Automation of Land Status within the National Wildlife Refuges of Alaska

Conservation and Recovery Planning in the San Joaquin Valley

International Parks Issues

ArcInfo for the Integrated Evaluation of Ecosystem Components and Resources within the Bikin River Watershed

GIS and a New National Park: The Masoala Peninsula, Madagascar

International Resources Issues

Resource Mapping Technology - Digital Orthophotos & Aerial Videography

Integrating Aerial-Videography with ArcInfo for Satellite Image Interpretation and Accuracy Assessment in Vermont

GIS for Sustainable Urban Development in China

Applying the Web

GIS and the Internet: GIS Access and Marketing with Multimedia on the World Wide Web

Paving the Information Superhighway - The National Road Database Case in Finland

Developing a World Wide Web Server to Distribute Redistricting Plans

Using ArcInfo as a GIS Server on the World Wide Web

Serving Spatial Data and Metadata from EPA Region VIII

Data Distribution Strategies

Producing ArcInfo-Compatible CD-ROMs for Data Distribution

Data, Maps, and More at the U.S. Census Bureau Internet Site

Promoting and Providing GIS Data Via the Internet

The Alexandria Rapid Prototype - Building a Digital Library for Spatial Information

Digital Data Sources - Knowledge Faire

GEOname Digital Gazetteer Information Application to ArcView 2

Data Sharing & the Internet

The European Tracer Experiment Information System: Where GIS and WWW Meet

Status of the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse on the Internet

Joint Use of Geographic Information in Finland: Easy Access to Public Geographic Databases with an ArcView Based Query System

Free Access to GIS Data?

Promoting a Free Access or Minimal Cost of Dissemination Arrangement for Government-Held Geographic Information Systems Data

Database Design & Data Conversion

Aerial Photography, Orthophotography, and Photogrammetric Data Conversion

A "LOJIC-al" Approach to Updating a Digital Photogrammetric Basemap Abstract

GIS Theme-Layer Updating via 35 mm Vertical Aerial Photography

Digital Orthophotography and GIS

Building Databases for Multi-Scale Viewing

Development of a Multiresolutional Integrated Land Cover Database for Scotland and the Application of GIS in Predictive Spatial Modeling

Constructing Facility Data Sets to Support Multiple Scale Map Products

Comparison of Digital Hydrographic-Basin Boundaries at Several Scales

Error Assessment & Database Quality Control

Quality Assurance: How to Build QA into the Conversion Process

Attribute Data QA: An On-Line Approach

Error Assessment within Surface Models and Derived Coverages

Innovative Uses of ArcInfo, Surveying, GPS, & Expert Systems

The Interaction of Recent Surveying and Mapping Developments with GIS

Integrated Vector and Raster GIS and Image Processing Using an Expert System Approach

Regions, Dynamic Segmentation and ArcStorm: A Powerful Combination

Designing an Interactive Tool for Generating Vector Planes from an Image Processed in Pseudo-natural Colors (software to extract homogeneous landscape units from SPOT for building ArcInfo coverages)

Insights into the Data Conversion Process

Preparing for a Conversion Project

Simplifying the Data Conversion Task

Data Conversion: We Have Come a Long Way and There Is More to Go

Street Address Propagation & a TIGER Update Progress Report

Progress Report on Automated File Matching and Tiger Data Base Update

Modeling Address Ranges or How to Do the Nodewalk


Data Format Standards

DoD Geospatial Data Standards: An Update

ArcInfo-DX90 Translator Development

Geographic Information System Data Standards for Cultural and Environmental Facilities Management

Database Production Techniques

Methods for Creation of Digital Terrain Products Using ArcInfo Tools

Low-Cost GIS Databases

Converting Nonstandard Maps

Managing Your GIS

Data Security in a Distributed Network

A Spatial Data Catalog for the "Decade of Data"

Military Facility Management

A Sampling of PRC's GIS Contracts for the Defense Community

Customizing Environmental Reports for Base Closure using ArcCAD and ArcView

Military ArcInfo Applications in the United Kingdom

Satellites, Simulators & Situation Assessment:
Use & Generation of Imagery

Systems Integration and Contingency Planning using ArcInfo

Realtime Military Applications Using ArcInfo

Hydrographic Analysis Using ArcInfo

System Integration Techniques & Applications

The Integration of Applications Using ArcView

A Geographic View of STRATCOMM's Global Transportation Network (GTN)

Combat Terrain Information System (CTIS) - US Army Topographic Engineering Center (USATEC) - Martin Marietta Corporation

Desktop Marketing

PC ARC/INFO Applications

Application of PC ARC/INFO in Urban Renewal Planning and Land Suitability Evaluation in Wuhan, P.R. China

Municipal Map, One Easy Way to Design and Illustrate Maps for Municipal Use Through ArcPlot of PC ARC/INFO

The Manipulation of Chinese Characters in PC ARC/INFO

ArcCAD Applications

Adventures in the Third Dimension: Using 3D with ArcInfo and ArcCAD


Interapplication Communication: Intelligence of an Expert System in ArcInfo

Advanced Application Development with Avenue

A New User Interface Paradigm for ArcInfo Based on IAC

Establishing a Methodology for Applications Development

GIS Application Development

Extending ArcInfo Using DLL

TAWS: Mission Accomplishment Through GIS Modularity

Emergency Management

Contingency Planning Applications for Oil Spills & Other Emergencies

Geographic Environmental Management System (GEMS) Using ArcView 2

Using GIS for Emergency Planning, Response and Recovery

Disaster Management

A Distributed, Intelligent Spatial Information System for Disaster Management: A National Model

Evolution Of An Oil Spill Contingency Planning GIS Database

Emergency Response Management System Response

Map Database Construction in Disaster Information System

Geographic Information System for Radiologic Emergency Response

Environment Management

Generating Surfaces In Environmental GIS Applications

Using GIS to Construct Geologic Maps for Landfill Screening in McLean County, Illinois

Groundwater Pollution Modeling and Mapping

Expedited Site Characterization: Real-Time Computerized Mapping to Enhance Soil Gas Surveys

Integrating ArcInfo & Visualization Tools to Support Hazardous Waste Site Remediation

Integrating ArcInfo and 3-D Visualization Tools to Support Hazardous Waste Site Remediation

Low-Level Radiation Waste Disposal Sites

Pennsylvania's Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Siting Project: Process Summary

Pennsylvania's Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Siting Project:
Data In, Data Out

Pennsylvania's Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Siting Project: Special GIS Operations

Mapping Radioactive Materials

Mapping the Effect of Chernobyl: Using GIS to Show the European Perspective

GIS Applications to Radon Hazard Studies - An Example from Nevada

Natural Disaster Response

Flood Impact Decision Support System for St. Charles County, Missouri, USA

Serious National Disaster Monitoring and Evaluating System

Earthquake and Civil Defense: The Role of a GIS in Emergency Situations

Environmental Management

Accessing Water Quality Information

Washington Surface Water Identification System

Accessing Water Quality Data through GIS

Regional Spatial Analysis Using the SCS's National Resource Inventory

Water Quality Management & Environmental Information Display and Query System Development

Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources

Error Propagation and Its Influence on Landscape Ecology Indicator Metrics

Population Estimation Using Interpolation Methodologies: An Assessment of Accuracy and Applicability

Modeling the Uncertainty of Vector Data In Geographic Information Systems

Agricultural Monitoring & Impact Assessment

Design and Implementation of Local Agricultural Disaster Warning System Based on PC ARC/INFO and AI

Integrating GIS and Remote Sensing for Agricultural Crop Monitoring Pacific Meridian Resources and the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation

Agriculture Management

Applying GIS to International Agriculture Research: An Example using Rice Farming in Asia

Developing a GIS (ArcInfo) to Assist Farmers of Kwazulu-Natal in the Agricultural Use and Planning of the Land

Environmental Impacts of Alternative Farming Systems in Goodwater Creek Watershed, Missouri

Management of an "Agriculture-environment" Measure SPOT and GIS

Coastal Zone Management

Implementing Region Topology to Produce Coastal Resource Atlases

State-Level Support of Local Land Use Planning: What Data Are the Right Data?

The GIS Methodology Applied for a Statewide Assessment of Propeller Scar Damage in Seagrasses (Florida)

Using GRID and GRAPH to Quantify and Display Shoreline Change

Decision Support for Environmental Assessment

A GIS-Based Decision Support System for Managing and Quantifying the Environmental Risk Assessment Associated With Pipelines

A Multilateral GIS for Environmental and Regional Planning

Design and Implementation of a Spatial Decision Support System for Site Selection

Hydrological Information Management for the Danubian Lowlands, Integration of ArcInfo and MIKE SHE

Decision Support for Natural Resource Assessment

Application of GIS in Soil Survey Projects

Developing Biological Survey Standards and Environmental Monitoring to Support Policy Decisions on a Parcel Based GIS

GIS for Environmental Management: A Hierarchical Database Structure

Identifying Regions of Persistent Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) Around Santa Catalina Island for Designation as Marine Reserves

Digital & GPS Methods for Wetlands Mapping

Inventorying and Mapping Wetlands on Naval Air Station, Fallon, Nevada: Utilizing Global Positioning Receivers, Photogrammetry Remote Sensing, and Geographic Information Systems

The Integration of GIS and Image Processing Technology with Real-time Data Collection for Monitoring Wetland Restoration Projects

Groundwater Management

A Groundwater Extraction Management System Using ArcInfo

Pilot Project Design: The Application of GIS Technology in Groundwater Quality Management

Tracer Experiment and Cartography of Water Protection Zones in Karstic Area: Application with ArcInfo - ORACLE

Hydrologic/Water Supply Modeling

GIS As Integration Tool for Hydrologic Modeling: A Need for Generic Hydrologic Data Exchange Format

California Rivers Assessment On-Line Query System

Dynamic Segmentation and Thiessen Polygons: A Solution to the River Mile Problem

Making a GIS Accessible with ArcView 2: Supporting Clients of a Centralized Surface Water Management Database

Natural Disaster Response

Use of GIS in the Federal Emergency Management Information System (FEMIS)

Natural Resource Information Systems

Land Use and Environmental Planning: Multimedia Resource Information System

Accuracy Assessment

Panel Discussion on the Spatial Accuracy of Natural Resource Databases

Scientific Techniques

Ecosystem Analysis at the Landscape Scale Using ArcInfo 6+ Within the Informs-R8 Shell

Environmental Data Management Geographic Information System (EDMGIS)

Water-Related Scientific Activities of the Spatial Data Section, Nevada District, U.S. Geological Survey, 1994

Surface Water Quality Assessment

A Coordination Strategy for Surface Water Protection

The Illicit Connection Detection Program and GIS in the Rouge River, Michigan

Use of ArcInfo in the South Platte River Basin National Water-Qualty Assessment Program

Water Supply Needs & Source Assessments

A GRID Approach to Predicting Areas of Future Public Water Supply Problems in Northeast Florida

Making Maps of Tomorrow - Today

Techniques for Estimating Areal Daily Rainfall

Irrigation Return Flow Modelling With GRID

Wetlands Inventory Technology

Using ArcScan, PhotoGIS, AMLs and Digital Orthophotos for Converting Wetland Delineation into Digital Form

Federal/State Government

Capturing & Using Metadata

Automated Capture of Metadata: Simple Procedures and Tools for Editing Coverages

Compilation of Spatial Metadata for Access in ArcView and Mosaic

Customized Graphical User Interface

Migrating Large AML Based GUI's to ArcView 2


A Standardized User Interface with Connections to ORACLE and Internet

Environmental Applications

A New Methodology for the Identification and Assessment of Environmental Impacts: An Application that Integrates ArcView 2 with a Rule-based Decision Support System

GIS at the Federal Level

Implementation of GIS at Local Law Enforcement Agencies

Implementation of the Pacific Northwest Forest Plan: An Example of Interorganizational GIS Coordination

GIS at the State Level

Developing a GIS at the Illinois Department of Revenue

Public Access to GIS, Data Publishing, Distributed Databases

The Alabama Geographic Information Systems Exchange (AGIS)

GIS for Sustainable Development

Use of ArcInfo, GRASS, ERDAS, and SAS to Create ASCII Files and ArcInfo Point Coverages For The Integrated Midwest Biomass Resource Analysis Project

GIS System Management

Integrating GPS with GIS

Inter-Application Communication (IAC) Using Esri Software and Other Development Tools

Isolating Software Environments and Conquering Version Control - A Model for Software Development Management

Hydrologic Modeling

Interfacing ArcInfo with a Finite-Element Groundwater Model

Spatial Modeling of Biocriteria and Upstream Basin Characteristics for the Black River, Ohio

The Development of an ArcInfo GRID Based Interface to the USGS Finite Difference MODFLOW Package

Land-Based Applications

Development of a Database to Support the Publication of the USGS Water Data Report

Quebec Cadastral Reform Project: GIS Integrated to a Large Systems Development Project

Real Property Assessment in Sweden Received GIS Support

The Experience of GIS in the Department of Lands and Survey of Cyprus

The Public Land Survey System-Coordinate Comparisons

Natural Resource Management

Determining Historic and Prehistoric Survey Intensities with INFORMS-R-8 on the Jessieville Ranger District, Ouachita National Forest

Using Address Matching to Derive In-Stream Fish Habitat Unit Locations


Forestry Management

A Decision Support System for Watershed Analysis in the Pacific Northwest

Spatial Analysis of Future Managed Forest Landscapes Using the Regions Data Model Extension

Evaluation Methodology for the Forest Management System

"Pushbutton" Viable Ecosystems

Timber Harvest Scheduling with Adjacency Constraints: Using ArcInfo to Make FORPLAN Realistic

Fire Growth Modeling in an Integrated GIS Environment

GIS Implementation

Design Issues in the GIS Development Process

GIS System Ergonomics

Benefit-Cost Analysis for Implementing GIS in an Environmental Management Institution

Project Design Considerations for an Enterprise GIS Application Using ArcView2

GIS Implementation: Challenges & Successes

GPS/GIS Integration Supporting Water Resources Management

Developing and Using a GIS with Only a 1 1/2-Person Staff: The Approach Taken by the City of Sedona

Maturing Municipal GIS in Newton, Massachusetts: From Single Department Project to Multi-Departmental Operational System

GIS and Decision Making: A Case Study in a Frontier Zone

Managing GIS: A Tale of Three Countries

Planning for the Establishment of a Long-Lasting Geographic Information Systems

BELKO AS, TEDAS Cankaya Operation and Maintenance Utility, TUBITAK

Mining & Geosciences

Mapping & Modeling in the GeoSciences

Integrated Real-Time Field Data Capture with CAD and GIS Analysis on a Complex Site

A GIS Data Model Prototype

Bedrock Geologic Mapping Using ArcInfo

Seismic Microzoning of Santafe De Bogota Using GIS

Raster GIS & Image Processing

Landform Classification for Soil-Landscape Studies

Delineation of Canyons for Mexican Spotted Owl Habitat

Cell-Based Landform Analysis

Surface Analysis with GRID

Deriving and Analyzing a Census of Visibility

Terrain Surface Analysis Using Digitized Contours and GPS Data

Pre-Analysis Processing of Continuous GRID Data Sets for Resolution Approximation

Technology Integration

Interactive Design/Decision Making in a Virtual Urban World: Visual Simulation and GIS

Integration of GPS & GIS

Integration of Geographic Information Systems and Navigation Systems for Moving (Dynamic) Objects like Vehicles and Ships

New Technologies: Integrate Digital Videolog and GPS for Collection of Inventory Information

New Technologies: Integrating Digital Video and D-GPS for Collection of Inventory Information and Integration with ArcInfo and ArcView 2

X-Terminals & Voice Input Applications

Benefits of X-based Three-Tier Client/Server Model with Esri Applications

Benefits of X-based Three-Tier Client/Server Model with Esri Applications

Voice Input for ArcInfo Applications

Knowledge Faire

ArcInfo and ORACLE, An Approach for Feature Storage and Representation from Oracle

The Integration of GIS and Decision Support Software


GIS in Telecommunications Network Planning, Engineering & Construction

Application of Multiple Cell Size GRID Analysis to an Economic Model of the Implementation of Personal Communication Services (PCS)

GIS-Enhanced Information Services on Telecom Networks

GIS and the Intelligent Telecommunications Network Using ArcInfo to Spatially Assign Calls to Answering Points

GIS on the Information Superhighway: Integration of GIS with Interactive Multimedia Directory Services

Using Cable Television to Distribute GIS Access: A Low Cost, High Speed Solution

Telecom Network Operations Systems & Customer Care Systems

A Real-Time Management System Based on PC ARC/INFO for Operating Small Telecommunication Networks

GIS Development for Customer Services in Indonesian Telecommunication

Integrating Desktop GIS with a PABX Remote Monitoring and Maintenance System for the Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco)


Automated Road Data Collection

Automated Road Data Collection

Building & Using Intelligent Street Networks

Making the TIGER/Line and Other Street Centerline Files More Accurate By Logical and Spatial Conflation Based Automated Process

Address Range Propagation for Street Centerline Files

A Full-Featured ArcInfo Conflation System

Emergency Response and Transportation

Using GIS to Improve Solid Waste Management and Recycling Programs

GIS-Based Allocation of Emergency Response Units Along a Transportation Route

Street Address Database Creation: Concept, Programming, and Error Tracking Procedure

Field Data Collection Using GPS & Other Technologies

GPS Speeds Data Collection on GIS Road Networks

GIS/GPS in Transportation - Real World Experiences

GIS at State DOTs

Automated Flight Planning - GIS Style

Georgia's GIS Aviation Database

Accident Location Identification Surveillance System/p2 (ALISS/p2), the Next Generation

GIS for Transportation & Civil Engineering

The Road and Traffic Environmental Impact Assessment and Optimal Room Layout Selection

Engineering - GIS Unified Database

GIS for Transportation Planning

The ISTEA/GIS-T Pooled Fund Study: An Integrated Approach to Transportation Planning

GIS in Public Transit

View2Transit: An ArcView 2 Application for Transit Planning and Marketing

Highway Data Collection

Customization of ArcView 2 for Transportation Analysis

Local Government Traffic & Planning with GIS

Clark County Road Atlas

Rail & Air Transportation Planning

European High Speed Network: An Accessibility Study Using GIS

Rail GIS and Commodity Flow Analysis for Conrail

Transportation Planning & Analysis Tools

Transportation Planning for Local Government

Traffic Engineering in a GIS Environment: Highlighting Progress of the County of Riverside Geographic Information System Based Accident Records System

Implementing a Geographic Information System Which Allows Users to Productively Share Resources

ETIS - Transport Integrated Planning Tool: A Geographical Information-based System for Supporting Decision Making Process for Strategic Planning of Transport Infrastructure Development

Implementing a Regional Traffic Data Management System

University Education & Training

Environmental Planning with GIS at UC Berkeley

Modeling Exurban Population Growth and the Effects of Alternative Human Settlement Patterns in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

Modeling Urban/Wildland Interface Fire Hazards within a Geographic Information System

Synthesizing Ancillary Data for Landscape Characterization

GIS & Higher Education

Using High Technology to Develop the Virtual Community

Exploitation of ArcView 2 and Large Databases for Undergraduate Instruction

Applying GIS Technology to the Freshman Admissions Process at a Large University

Urban & Local Government

Growth Management

City of Anderson, South Carolina, Vacant Land Study: An Analysis of Vacant Lands for Future Economic Development

Determining Developable Vacant Lands through Growth Management Process

Land Value Impacts of Toxic Contamination at Rocky Flats: Applying Geographic Information Systems Technology in Hedonic Regression Analysis


Establishment of GIS DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Geographic Information Systems Applied to Cadastral and Urban Planning

Urban and Municipal GIS Applications in Developing Countries - the Problems and the Potential

Parcels & Land Records

Evaluating Land Records Modernization in Wisconsin

Map Track in the Assessor/Treasurer's Office: A PowerBuilder Link to ArcInfo

Property Management and Mapping with ArcInfo

Planning & Community Development

GIS - Image Database for Planning and Design: Washington, D.C. Application

Urbanizing GIS: Philadelphia's Strategy to Bring GIS to Neighborhood Planning

Public Access

City of Seattle Vault Plan Index

GIS in a Public Information Environment Database Maintenance and Querying

City of Seattle CGDB User Support Package

Development of a Public Information Kiosk Using ArcView

Summit County, Ohio Public Access System: An ArcView 2 Public Information Counter Application

Public Safety

An ArcView-based Law Enforcement Analysis System

The Use of Digital Orthophotography in a Law Enforcement Application

School District Planning

A School Attendance Area Creation and Analysis Spatial Decision Support System

Using ArcView 2 in School District Planning

GIS in Business

CRA: A Carrot and A Stick

Pan-European Geographic Data, The Critical Success Factor for GIS Business Applications

Hydrologic Modeling

Automated Creation of Transport Paths (Centerlines) for Hydrography Data

The Portuguese Water Resources Information System: Using OOP to Integrate Time Series and GIS