Agriculture |
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ArcGIS for Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs): A Training Program |
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Assessing Spatial Variability in Soil Mineralizable Nitrogen Levels |
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Coffee of the Thousand Hills: DSS for Rwanda's Coffee Sector |
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Demonstrating GIS Capabilities and Applications to Kentucky's Agricultural Stakeholders |
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GIS in Nutrient Management: A 21st Century Paradigm Shift |
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Implementing an Agricultural Enterprise GIS |
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Mapping Nutrient Budgets Within Fields |
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Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Plant Diseases |
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Mobile Mapping Tool for Exotic Plant Species Control Using ArcPad |
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Modeling Ammonia Dispersion From Multiple CAFOs Using GIS |
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Real-Time Mapping and Mobile GIS in Soil Survey Applications |
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Representing Spatially Explicit Directional Virtual Fencing (DVFTM) Data |
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Urban Agriculture: A Solution to Urban Poverty in Gainesville, Florida |
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Using ArcIMS to Publish AgriStats Data Online |
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Application Development |
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3D GIS Application for Urban Planning Based on 3D City Model |
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A Guide to the Python Universe for Esri Users |
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A Services Approach to GIS |
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A Web GIS Application for Project Tracking and Production Monitoring |
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An Alternate Approach to Address Creation and Maintenance |
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BasinPro: Serving Busy Professionals With a Desktop GIS Tool |
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Creating a GIS Web Site Using Visual Basic .NET and the ActiveX Connector |
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Customizing ArcIMS Using the Java Connector and Python |
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Designing More Effective Web Map Viewers |
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Develop an Online Map Library System |
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Development of a Custom GIS Application for Viewing Ethnographic Data |
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Development of Software Tools for Making Environment Map Using ArcGIS |
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Distributed GIS: An Online Parcel Maintenance System |
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Dynamic Additions and Updates to Spatial Data Through the Internet |
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Dynamic User Interface Creation With ArcObjects Based on Database Constraints |
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Framework for Developing Mobile Pavement Data Collection Applications |
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GIS Approach to Shoreline Management Using MapObjects and MS Access |
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How to Build ArcGIS 9 Stovepipe Applications That Scale |
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Implementing Integrated Web Mapping Solutions Using ArcIMS and .NET |
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Improving Esri ArcSDE Client Performance With Spatial Culling |
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Indianapolis Integrates ArcGIS and Master Address Database |
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Integrated Data Collection and GIS Applications with Personal Digital Assistants |
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Integrating Enterprise Oracle-Based Applications With GIS Capabilities: Web SDE Editing |
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Linking ArcIMS With an Internet File System |
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Mobile/Handheld GIS Data Collector for the Department of Health, Florida |
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Point and Click GIS: ArcObjects Customization of Routine Business Processes |
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Taking Advantage of Your Enterprise GIS System |
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The Application of GIS in Land Use |
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The Effects of Wavelet Compression on Digital Elevation Models |
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The Enhancement of ArcGIS With Fuzzy Set Theory |
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The Geodatabase and SQL: Report Writing Power Tools for ArcGIS |
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Web-Based Map-Algebra Challenges: A Polygon Solution |
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Why Should I Use ColdFusion and ArcIMS Together? |
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Workaround for ActiveX Connector Shortcomings |
[Back to Top]
Archaeology |
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Archaeology and GIS: Prehistoric Habitat Reconstruction |
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CAD Integration and GIS for an Archaeological Heritage Park in Petra, Jordan |
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Debris Density Modeling of Space Shuttle Columbia: An Archaeological Assessment |
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GIS and Archaeology at the University of Oslo, Norway |
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GIS and Geophysics Reveal Fort Pierre Chouteau Historic Site |
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Integrating GIS, Archaeology, and the Internet |
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Monitoring of Landscape Change at World Heritage Sites |
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The Historical Heritage Map of the Ostiense Marconi Urban Project |
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USS Arizona Drawings and Underwater GPS Surveys Linked by ArcIMS |
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Architecture, Engineering, and Construction |
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Analyzing the Urban Heat Island for City Planning With GIS |
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ArcPad and GPS Enhance Landscape Design |
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Coordinating Infrastructure Projects With GIS |
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GIS Management of Facilities Deactivation and Decommissioning |
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Info-GIS: A Cross-Platform Integrated Approach for Community Planners |
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SmartMAP at Clarion University: GIS for Smart Classrooms Management |
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The Integration of GIS Into an Engineering Firm |
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Who, What, When, and Where in the Construction Industry |
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ArcWeb Services |
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Client-Server Interaction in GIS Applications Through Web Services |
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Enterprise Image Solution Integrating ArcIMS With LaserFiche |
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GeoReadiness: Navy's GIS Solution Supporting Decision Support and Service-wide Data-Sharing |
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Great Lakes of Georgia Project Promotes Tourism Using ArcWeb Services |
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ROAM Application Utilizing ArcWeb Services |
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Web Boundary and Annexation Survey |
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Web Services Assist USDA Senior Officials With Access to Critical Data |
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Business GIS |
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Educating Multi-Disciplined Experts for GIS-Based Global Valuation Modeling |
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Gambling Geography: A Spatial Analysis of United States Gambling |
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GIS in Reinsurance: Estimation of Losses Due to Natural Hazards |
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GIS Supply Chain Management |
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GIS With DM: Just Tools, or a New Marketing Science? |
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Management and Promotion of Tourism in Ghana: A GIS Approach |
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Cadastral and Land Records |
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3D Cadastre System Using the Node-Relation Structure in GIS |
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Automated Rectification of Vector Parcels/Plan: No Rubber Sheeting |
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Automation of Cadastral Data From Paper-Based Records to Survey Fabric |
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Building a GIS With the Metes and Bounds Survey System |
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Cook County, IL: Enterprise GIS |
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Creating a National Multipurpose Cadastre for the British Virgin Islands |
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Creating Planimetrics From Existing Raster Images |
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CVRD Land Management Enterprise GIS |
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Databases and Algorithms to Determine the Boundary of Wyoming |
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Developing a Vector Property Map for the District of Columbia |
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Developing an Integrated Real Estate Information System (IRIS) Using ArcGIS |
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How Government Agencies Can Use the National Integrated Land System |
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Migrating to a Cadastral Geodatabase in Clay County, Iowa |
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Modernizing Jamaica's Title Registration and Cadastral Systems |
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Process and Development in Reservation Real Property Management |
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Significance of a GIS-Based Deeds Recording System |
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Surviving the Storm - Migrating from ArcInfo GIS to ArcSDE |
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Turkish Cadastre Automation System With Esri Technology |
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Washington State Cadastre: Integrating Topology, Aquatic Ownership, and Land Records |
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Will GIS Finally Deliver Smarter e-Gov Services? |
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Cartography and Map Production |
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Animating the Battle of Lake Erie With ArcGIS |
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Comparing Historical Maps With GIS Technologies |
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Computers and Cartography: For Better or for Worse? |
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Design and Implementation of Cartographic Standards in a State Agency |
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Map Series Production Using ArcGIS (Workstation/Desktop) and ArcSDE |
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Mercator: Who Was He and Why Should We Care? |
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Modeling River Water Surfaces Using LiDAR Technology and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst |
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The 2002 Economic Map Suite Challenge |
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The Use of Esri Software-Congressional District Map Production |
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The Web Tourist Atlases Assist the Dissemination of Spatial Data |
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Using ArcGIS in High Volume Map Production: Two Case Studies |
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Web-Based GIS Atlas of Rice in Asia |
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Census and Geodemographics |
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Assessing Housing Growth When Census Unit Boundaries Change |
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Electoral Redistribution and Delineation Using ArcGIS/ArcSDE/ArcIMS |
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Employment Subcenter Identification: A GIS-Based Method |
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Enterprise GIS Solution for Census Operation: Case Study From KSA |
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Learn More About Your Neighborhood |
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MAF/TIGER Accuracy Improvement Project Update |
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Mapping and Predicting Community Discord in Fairfax County, Virginia |
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Socioeconomic and Biophysical Influences on Forest Cover Type In Alabama's Eight Counties: A Logistic Regression Analysis Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques |
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Use of Geo-Demographic Data: Problems and Solutions |
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Using Address-Based Geospatial Source Data at the Census Bureau |
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Using ArcPad in the 2004 Census Test |
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Climate, Weather, and Atmosphere |
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Combining Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods to Produce Gridded Climatologies |
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EMHURR: Hurricane Tracking for Emergency Managers With ArcIMS |
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Examining Sea Ice in the Southern Ocean Using ArcGIS |
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From the Ground Up: Modeling Windblown Dust |
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Geospatial Analysis for the Causes of Haze Assessment |
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GIS in Air Pollution Research: The Role of Building Surfaces |
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Lessons Learned in Creating a Real-Time Weather Data |
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National Weather Service Goes Digital With Internet Mapping |
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Database Design, Automation, and Management |
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Allocating Census Data to Colonias Along the U.S./Mexico Border |
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An Enterprise Geodatabase: Montgomery County, Maryland |
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Automating Production of Digital Nautical Charts |
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Automating the MTAIP File Review Process Using ArcObjects and VBA |
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Building a Geodatabase for the City and County of Denver |
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Building an Asset Inventory Geodatabase Using ArcPad for Data Collection |
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California Public Lands Geodatabase: A Collaborative Statewide Data Maintenance Process |
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City of Charlotte Enterprise GIS Data Model Project |
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Creating a Geologic Dataset of the Caribbean Using ArcGIS |
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Design of a Geodatabase for Efficient Retrieval of Geographic Information |
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Designing a Geodatabase for Your Project: A Wetlands Delineation Example |
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DFIRM Databases: Lessons Learned |
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Do You Know Where Your Addresses Are? |
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Evaluating SDELOB and SDEBINARY Storage Mechanisms in ArcSDE |
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Geodatabase Development and Implementation for Paulding County, Georgia |
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Geodatabase: Setting Three Counties' Standards |
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GEON: Geophysical Data Add the 3rd Dimension in Geospatial Studies |
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Ground Truthing LIDAR Data in Tallahassee, Florida |
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Implementing Automation to Transition From ArcInfo Librarian to a Versioned Geodatabase |
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Integrated GIS Work Environment With Esri Products |
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Keeping Inventory of Computers at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Within a GIS |
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Leveraging ArcSDE Functionality to Manage Terabytes of Raster Data |
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Managing Large Projects Using Enterprise Technologies |
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Migrating a Large Dataset to a Personal Geodatabase |
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Migrating an Enterprise GIS: A Success Story |
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The Learning Process of Migrating to ArcGIS and the Geodatabase |
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Defense and Intelligence |
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A Great IMS Site Is Not Enough |
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A High Adaptive Rapid GIS Application Development Method |
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Aeronautical Transformation Supports DOD Aircrews |
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Applying GIS in Stability and Support Operations in Bosnia |
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Architectures for a Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) |
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Arid Environments: The Quest for New Military Training Areas |
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C/JMTK Prototyping for Visualization of Weather, LIDAR, and Aircraft Routes |
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Cadastres (Land Registries) and Global Security |
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Cooperative Technology: Leveraging GIS Investments for Multi-Jurisdictional Disaster Response |
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Creating Correlated Geographical Databases for an Aircraft and Support Systems |
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Creating Network Centric Situational Awareness Using ArcGIS and Tracking Server |
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Developing 3D Analyst Enhancements Using OpenGL |
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Developing a Data Management System for the Norwegian Armed Forces |
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Development of the South African Army Mobility Model (SAAMM) |
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Exploitation, Analysis, and Navigation for Military, Educational, and Recreative Purposes |
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FM GeoWeb Common Access to Maps for Swedish Armed Forces |
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GeoBase Communications Data Conversion: Moving Legacy ArcInfo Coverages to a Geodatabase |
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GeoBase Implementation at Yokota Air Base, Japan |
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Geospatial Intelligence and Situational Awareness |
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Geospatial Support for Joint Forces Installation Management |
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GIS Management of the Barry M. Goldwater Range |
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Global Mirror: A City Perspective on Interagency Collaboration Challenges |
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Global Mirror: Interagency Collaboration Challenges, A USNORTHCOM and USGS Perspective |
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Implementing GIS in DARPA's Grand Challenge Race |
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Integrated Training Area Management: Improved Efficiency on Multiple-Source Data Integration |
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Integrating Geospatial Information for Littoral Warfare Operations |
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Managing Large Collections of NGA Raster Data |
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Maritime Division Transformation |
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Mobile Radiation Detection for Military and Civil Defense |
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Modeling Buildings for Mission Rehearsals |
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Modeling Complex Temporal Requirements in Cross-Country Mobility Analysis |
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Multi/Hyperspectral Data Fusion |
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NATO Peace Time Field Headquarters and GIS: A Kosovo Experience |
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NGA's National Center for Geospatial Intelligence Standards - Leading the Way Through GEOINT Standards |
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Patrick AFB: Integrating SDS and Military Standards With Esri Technology |
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Predictive Sensor Collection Utilizing ArcMap and STK Sensor Analyst |
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Preventing Terrorism: Geographic Text Search Improves Homeland Security |
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Swedish Geocell in Kosovo: Deployable Geographic Field Support |
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The Challenges of Direct Support to NGA's Military Customer |
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The PACAF GeoBase Maturity Metrics: A Standardization Tool |
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The Role of GIS in Next-Generation C2I Systems |
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The USCG Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System via C/JMTK |
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Total Facilities Management With GIS, MAXIMO, and CAD |
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U.S. Army, Pacific Theater Geospatial Database |
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United States Air Force Academy GeoBase Program |
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United States Air Force Bird Avoidance Model (US BAM) |
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United States Coast Guard Search and Rescue System |
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Utilizing C/JMTK to Build a Web-Based Common Operational Picture (WebCOP) |
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Ecology and Conservation |
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Advanced Digital Terrain Analysis Using GIS |
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Advancing Conservation Through the Development of Customized Moving Map Software |
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Applications of Decision Support for Conservation at NatureServe |
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ArcGIS Tools for the Prediction and Evaluation of Terrestrial Ecosystems |
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Building Green Infrastructure Plans for SE Pennsyvlania Using Esri Products |
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Conservation GIS by Volunteers: The Elkhorn Slough Historic Habitats Team |
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Developing a GIS of the Bioluminescent Bays on Vieques, Puerto Rico |
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Environmental Predictors of Dolphin Density: ArcGIS in Marine Biology |
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Forest Biodiversity Indicators in the Colombian Andes |
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GIS for a Greener Brazil: Automated Delineation of Natural Preserves |
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GIS-Based Ecological Modeling in the Caribbean Basin for Conservation Planning |
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Integrating Chimpanzee Research and Conservation in Gombe Using GIS |
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Integrating Ecological/Climate Data in ArcIMS to Optimize Image Acquisition |
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Knowledge Modeling, GIS, and Decision Support for Species Recovery |
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Mapping and Management of Invasive Plants: Camp Dawson, WV |
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Mapping the Natural History of the Lewis and Clark Trail |
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Measuring Functional Landscape Connectivity Using Graph Theory |
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Measuring Sprawl's Consequences: Linking Biodiversity Change With Development Planning |
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Modeling Fire Behavior on the Landscape of the Southern Appalachians |
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NatureServe's Decision Support System for Conservation Planning |
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On the Move: Satellite Tracking of Asian Elephants in Myanmar |
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Pre-Settlement Land Cover Mapping From GLOS Records |
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Take a Ride on the ArkZoo Data Model |
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The Role of GIS in Systematic Conservation Planning for Rivers |
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The Trust for Public Land: Introducing the Greenprinting Model |
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Toward a Global Coral Map |
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Using Dynamic Segmentation to Create Home Ranges for Aquatic Species |
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Using Historic Survey Data in Conservation GIS |
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Utilizing GIS for Sustainable Ecotourism Development and Management |
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Washington DNR Natural Heritage Program Southwest Washington Prairie Land Areas |
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Education |
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An ArcIMS Application for Tracking and Predicting Insect Infestation |
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Analysis of Biodiversity Elements for Decision-Support System |
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Chinese and Taiwan Historical GIS |
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Community Colleges Partnered With Industry = GIS Success |
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Community GIS: University Collaboration and Outreach With K-12 Teachers |
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Deaggregating National Energy Forecast Data for Use on Regional Projects |
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Designing a Danish GIS-Curriculum For University Students – What To Prioritize in a Beginner’s Course? |
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Development of a GIS for a Water Distribution Network |
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Development of GIS for Niche Model Analysis of Protected Species |
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Esri's Software Localization Project: The Brazilian Experience |
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GIS Lessons for the World: The Global GIS Project |
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GIS Without the G: Implementing Campus GIS Without Geography |
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Global View, Local Setting: Visualization in a Science Museum Exhibit |
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How GIS Professionals Help School Teachers and Students Use GIS |
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Innovation in Online Education: Teaching ArcObjects Online |
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Nature and Technology: Live GIS Training Camp in Bavarian Forest National Park |
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Promotion of Web GIS for University Courses and Research |
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Putting GIS to Work in King County: Creating a Successful GIS Education Program |
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Simplifying Urban Geography Concepts: A Teaching Tool for K-16 Educators |
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Site Suitability Analysis for Multipurpose Wetlands |
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Sonoita-Elgin Emergency Geographic Information System (SEEGIS) |
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The GISCI Certification Program |
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WebGIS as Teaching Tool: UC Atlas of Global Inequality |
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Electric and Gas |
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A Fundamental Utility Restoration and Evolution Using GIS |
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Bridging the Gap Between GIS and ERP at Alagasco |
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Can Power Companies Use Space Patrols to Monitor Transmission Corridors? |
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Electrical Designing in the Field Using ArcGIS and ArcFM |
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GIS Data Conversion, Training, and Layer Development |
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GIS for Underground Network |
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Siting Linear Facilities with Geographic Information Systems |
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Taking Tablet PCs and the Enterprise Geodatabase to the Field |
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EMS, Fire, and Disaster Management |
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A GIS to Reduce Flood Impact on Road Transportation Systems |
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ArcGIS Supports Wildland Fire Planning for Communities, States, and Regions |
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ArcGIS, HAZUS-MH, and Arkansas' Mitigation Strategy |
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ArcIMS Solution for Harris County Residents' Flood Risk Look-Up |
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Automatic Crash Notification and 9-1-1: A Success Story |
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Emergency Action Plan for Urban Flooding Using GIS |
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Emergency Response Runbook: The Importance of Consistent Street Addressing Methods |
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Floodplain Mapping: Planning for Disasters or Planning Disasters? |
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Geographic Information System Capability for Nuclear Emergency Response |
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GIS Techniques for Flood Map Modernization and Hazard Mitigation Plans |
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Hazards Mitigation: Using Localized Data in HAZUS MH |
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Hurricane Isabel On-Site GIS Support |
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Hurricane Isabel: Testing Hampton Roads, Virginia's Geospatial Preparedness |
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Improving EMS Response With GIS |
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Initial Attack GIS |
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Measurement of Fire Service Accessibility by Using GIS: A Case Study in Ankara, Turkey |
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Milepost Locations in Rural Emergency Response: The Missing Piece |
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Modeling and Simulation of Rescue Activity in a Seismic Disaster |
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Modeling the Tornado Threat in Arkansas With GIS |
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Public Works' GIS Support Before, During, and After Hurricane Isabel |
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San Diego Fires 2003: Rapid Assessment of Post-Fire Impacts |
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Standardization of Map Symbols for Emergency Managers |
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The Development of the Slope Failure Management System |
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The Evolution of GIS and Emergency Management |
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The Influence of Map Design on Fire Management Decision-Making |
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Tips and Tricks for Customizing HAZUS-MH (Hazards U.S.-Multihazard) |
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Using ArcGIS for Fire Pre-Incident Planning |
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Using ArcGIS to Create an Emergency Response Fire Atlas |
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Using ArcMap in Emergency Response Scenarios at Local Schools |
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Using GIS During Complex Emergencies |
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Using GIS to Manage Wildfire Damage Information |
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Using GIS/CAMA in Disaster Response |
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Environmental Management |
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Applications on Slope Lands Management through GIS Technology |
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Aquatic Weed Control Using Mobile, Enterprise, and Web-Based GIS |
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ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst Application in Assessment of MTBE Contamination |
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ARROW: A Web-Based Support Tool for the Apalachicola River |
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Assessing Wetland Changes in the Rochester Embayment Area of Concern |
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Bangladesh Industrial Pollution Estimation System |
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Better Wetland Restoration: How Can HGM Help? |
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Design-Build Transportation and Watershed Planning Meet in a GIS |
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Development of a GIS Based Dust Dispersion Modeling System |
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Enterprise GIS Strategy for Public Resources Planning and Public Involvement |
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Environmental Risk Management for Bio/Ecosystems Information and Education Program |
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Evolution and Roadmap of Chemical Data Display in Environmental Investigations |
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Flight Line Management in a GeoBase Environment |
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Focused Environmental Remediation Using Advanced Web and GIS Technologies |
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GIS Applied to Adaptive Management: Revegetating the Bunker Hill Hillsides |
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GIS Database for Environmental and Energy System Planning in Tokyo |
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GIS Tools for Remediation of Groundwater |
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GIS/GPS Trail Condition Inventories: A Virtual Toolbox for Trail Managers |
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Increasing the Efficiency of Environmental Projects Using GIS Technology |
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Interpolation Strategies for Fluvial and Deltaic Environments |
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Landscape Planning and GIS-Based Data Management |
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Mapping Damages Caused by the October 2003 Wildfires in California |
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Multiple Criteria Analysis for Flood Vulnerable Areas |
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Natural Resource Data Extraction: Tools for Managers |
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NEPAssist: A Web-Based Spatial Analysis Tool for Environmental Assessments |
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Pikes Peak GIS Database for Collaborative Environmental Remediation Planning |
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Preparation of Geotechnical Database of Mountainous Cities With ArcGIS |
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Risk Assessment of Surface Water Quality Using BASINS |
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Solutions for Characterizing Natural Landscape Character Using GIS |
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Streamlining Environmental Monitoring and Assessment |
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Study on Survey and Management of Rural Resource |
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The Building of Environmental Geographic Information System |
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The Integrated Application of Web-Based and Spatially Engineering Management System |
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The Research Regarding the Environmental DBMS for Environmental Manager Support |
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Using ArcGIS to Develop a Dynamic Trail Inventory |
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Using Equis and ArcGIS for Environmental Decision Support |
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Using GIS to Develop a Network of Acoustic Environmental Sensors |
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Using GIS to Identify Remediation Areas in Landfills |
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Using GIS to Implement Smart Growth Regulations in New Jersey |
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Utilization of GIS on Visitor Use Management in National Parks |
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Utilizing ArcPad for Proposed Energy Development Sitings |
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Utilizing ArcScene and GMS 5.0 to Evaluate Environmental Cleanup Strategies |
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Windmills Site Selection Using Remote Sensing and GIS |
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Federal Government Systems |
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Contact Us Before You Plan |
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Geospatial Modernization Within USDA Conservation Programs |
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Implementation of The National Map in Eastern Region Urban Areas |
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Map Modernization, Paper to Digital, a Contractor's Point of View |
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Progress of the Geospatial One-Stop Initiative at USDOT |
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Sharing Data Assets Through the National Map and ArcIMS |
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Using Interactive Maps to Analyze USDA Food Assistance Programs |
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Utilizing GIS to Enhance Decision Making During Superfund Site Remediation |
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Web-Based Document Archival System for U.S. Army CHPPM |
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Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management |
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A GIS Tool for Fish Habitat Modeling |
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A Spatially-Explicit Habitat Model for Cougar in Utah |
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An Integrated Enterprise GIS System for Forest Management in Japan |
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ArcFVS: An Integration of a GIS and Forest Vegetation Simulator |
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ArcGIS Tools: Helping Re-Green Washington, DC |
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Arkansas' Black Bear Data: Onion Paper to Digital |
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Combining Mobile GIS and Indigenous Knowledge in Community Forest Management |
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Decision Support for Forest Fuels Evaluation and Treatment Planning |
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Deploying ArcPad for Noxious Weed Population Monitoring |
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Forestry GIS Applications in Fuels Mapping With Confederated Salish-Kootenai Tribes |
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GIS as a Tool in Managing and Monitoring Timber Concessions |
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GIS Data Management Systems for Terrestrial Raptors |
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GIS Model for Reintroducing Bighorn Sheep in Northern Utah |
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Guiding Habitat Restoration in the Great Lakes With ArcIMS |
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Handheld to ArcSDE: Mapping Roads With Palms and GPS |
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Integrating TIGER, DOQ, and Forest Inventory Field Calls |
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Managing Trees in Pittsburgh |
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Mapping Fish Habitats in Lake Tahoe for Planning and Management |
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Monitoring Pine Pitch Canker With GIS |
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Targeting Fire Management Priorities for Community Protection and Ecosystem Restoration |
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The Use of GIS to Visualize Fish Distribution |
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Understanding Grizzly Bears Using GIS |
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Using the ArcInfo Network Module to Determine Fish Population Structure |
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Visualizing Spatial Forestry Data: Knowledge Management in the 3rd Dimension |
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GIS Organization and Management |
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Collaborative GIS for Field Research Supports at the University of Redlands |
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Fashioning the GIS Data Management Solution |
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GIS for the Beginner on a Budget |
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GIS in a Box: Managing a Growing GIS |
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ITAM’s GIS Information Products Program and IMS Centric Approach |
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Locating GIS Within the IT Enterprise in Indianapolis/Marion County, Indiana |
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Management and Leadership Approaches for GIS Teams |
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Managing the AGD to GDA Datum Change in Australian Business |
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Pearland, Texas and Enterprise Wide GIS |
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Retrofitting the Foundation of an Archaeology GIS |
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Startup GIS in a Growing Consulting Firm |
[Back to Top]
Health and Human Services |
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A Geospatial Analysis of Volunteerism |
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A Matter of Scale: The Ecologic Fallacy in Spatial Analysis |
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Analyzing Head and Neck Cancer Incidence and Mortality Using GIS |
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Descriptive Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease in South Carolina |
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Designing and Implementing a GIS for Epidemiology and Public Health |
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Fight the Bite With GIS |
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Fuzzy Expert Systems and GIS for Health Risk Prediction |
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GIS in Environmental Health for Evaluating Drinking Water Contamination |
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Global Gridded Index of the Stability of Malaria Transmission |
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Health Resources and Services Administration Geospatial Data Warehouse |
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Human Services Delivery With GIS: Initial Steps in Lee County, Florida |
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Neighborhood Deprivation and Premature Mortality in Los Angeles County |
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Spatial Mapping of Ammonia Levels in Eastern North Carolina |
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TOXMAP: A GIS Information Portal to Environmental Health Databases |
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Using ArcGIS/ArcPad to Locate Households Potentially Exposed to Agricultural Pesticides |
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Using Geospatial Technology for Public Health Preparedness |
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Using GIS to Support ADS Prevention Efforts in San Diego |
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Web-Based Disease Tracking: A West Nile Virus Example |
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Homeland Security |
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Anti-Terrorism Planning Using ArcGIS |
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Assuring Port Operations By Analyzing Supporting Infrastructures With GIS |
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Building a Multi-Hazard Threat Database for Homeland Security |
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Critical Infrastructure and GIS |
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Emergency Management Mapping Application: Integrating Data Online for Emergency Management |
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Enabling Geospatial CBRN Mission Data Set Implementations |
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Enhancing Homeland Security With LandScan USA |
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GIS for Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System |
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Homeland Security and Hazardous Material Management for a Community College |
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Integration of Atmospheric Contaminant Plume Calculations Into ArcView |
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Michigan's Comprehensive GIS for Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
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Mobile GIS in Police Vehicles for Henrico County, Virginia |
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Nebraska Emergency Preparedness Using ArcGIS |
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Persistent Cloud and Plume Analysis Using GIS |
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Preview of AWARE (All-hazard Warning And Risk Estimation) |
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The National Map Hazards Data Distribution System |
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USCG MISLE Web-Based GIS Application |
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Using GIS for Nearshore Maritime Operations |
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Web-Based Incident Analysis and Vulnerability Mapping With ArcGIS 9 |
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Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice |
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Creating an Incident Tracking System Through Disparate Data Sources |
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Development of a Crime Mapping System Using .NET and ArcIMS |
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Disaggregating the Journey to Homicide |
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GIS Applications of National Drug Threat Survey Data |
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GIS in Crime Mapping and Analysis |
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Measuring Quality of Life: Moving Beyond Part One Crime |
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Perception vs. Reality: Mapping Crime With CrimeMAPS in San Francisco |
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Project Safe Neighborhoods Mapping and Analysis Program |
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Real-Time GIS Analysis in Patrol Units |
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Strategic Assignment of Public Safety Personnel Using GIS |
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Testing of Apparent Child Sex Offender Clustering |
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Use of GIS for Automated Vehicle Location, Newton Police Department |
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Using ArcGIS to Comply With Megan's Law |
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Using GIS to Analyze Auto Theft in Morris County, New Jersey |
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Location Services |
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Adding Editorial Value by Positioning Television Viewers |
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Using ArcIMS to Develop Location-Based Tourism Information Systems |
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Using GIS for Middle or Low Rate Hotel Reservation |
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Metadata and Data Publishing |
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ArcIMS Implementation for San Antonio River Authority |
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Creating and Publishing Metadata at |
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Creating Metadata for the Long-Term |
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Data Sharing at the Channel Islands Regional GIS Collaborative (CIRGIS) |
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Datamart Use for Complex Data Retrieval in an ArcIMS Application |
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Design and Implementation of a GIS Metadata System |
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Development of an Interactive Web Interface for Spatial Data Warehousing |
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Enhancing Data Discovery Using the ArcSDE--Java API |
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Extending the CUGIR GIS Data Repository With Interoperable Web Mapping |
![](graphics/papers.gif) | The New Norwegian GeoPortal |
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Governmental Unit Boundary Standard: A Workbook Approach |
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HGL: A Web-Enabled Geospatial Digital Library |
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Implementing ISO Data Quality Standards Using Esri GIS Data ReViewer |
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Improving Access: Setting a Geodatabase With TIGER Data |
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Integrating Custom Data Sources Into the ArcGIS Framework |
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Lessons in ArcIMS Metadata Server Implementation |
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Merging Metadata Standards: ISO and FGDC |
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Welcome to BTS National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD) |
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Mining and Geosciences |
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A Spatial Representation of Louis Peltier's Weathering, Erosion, and Climatic Graphs Using Geographic Information Systems |
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Development and Application of Mineral Potential Mapping Techniques |
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Geologic Modeling for Highway Construction in ArcGIS |
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GEON: ArcIMS Online Mapping to Facilitate Integration of Geoscience Data |
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GIS-Based Kinematic Slope Stability Analysis |
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Integrating Knowledge Representation Into GIS: An Example From Minerals Exploration |
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Managing GPSGeodetic Network in Seismic and Volcanic Areas Using GeoNetGIS |
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Mobile GIS: Building a Reservoir With ArcPad Software |
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Radon in Groundwater of the South Texas Uranium District |
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Modeling |
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Classification of Image Textures Using GRID and a Neural Network |
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Hydraulic Modeling in GIS: Time Series Results in Mapplet |
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Integration of Agent-Based Models and GIS |
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Integration of Different Data Bodies for Humanitarian Decision Support |
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Landscape Visualization: Progress and Prospects |
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ModelBuilder Applications for Regional Environmental Planning and Resource Management. |
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Modeling Changing Places With ArcGIS Image Analysis Capabilities |
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Modeling Global Language Diffusion With ArcGIS |
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Smart Tool: Cape Coral's Interactive Growth Model |
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Soil Landscape Models for Soil Survey Sampling |
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Spatial Subsidies for Watershed Studies |
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Stream Modeling: Channel Stabilization and Visualization Using ArcView |
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The Agent Analyst Extension for ArcGIS |
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Use of GIS to Interpret Global Economic Data |
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Using a Neural Network to Evaluate Land Use Change |
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Using Agent-Based Components in GIS Applications |
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Viewshed Characterization for Wind Farm Siting in Western North Carolina |
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New Technology and System Integration |
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Accessing the Alexandria Digital Library From GIS |
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Airborne Multi-Spectral Imaging System |
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An Integrated Platform for Spatial Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
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An Open-Source Virtual Object Model for 3D GIS |
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Connecting Our World: GIS Web Services |
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Developing a Three-Dimensional Surface-Analytical and Geostatistic Tool Using ArcObjects |
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Digital Image Based GASB34 Asset Tracking |
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Envisioning Neighborhoods: GIS Information Design to Facilitate Understanding Places |
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Extending ArcIMS With PHP and MySQL |
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GEON: Assembling Maps on Demand From Heterogeneous Grid Sources |
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GEON: Ontology-Enabled Map Integration |
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GEON: Standards-Based Secure Invocation of ArcWeb Services |
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GEON: The GEON Grid Software Architecture |
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GPS/GIS Integration for Improving Crash Location Data Accuracy |
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Integrating an Oblique Airphoto Library From Pictometry Directly Into ArcMap |
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Integrating Document Management and GIS |
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Road Map to Develop a Real-Time Web-Based Mapping Application |
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Technical and Logisitical Issues in Mobile Mapping Implementations |
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The Next Revolution: Digital Aerial Camera Mapping |
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Use of ArcPad During the 2004 Census Test |
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Using a Handheld GIS ArcPad to Ensure Complete Geophysical Coverage |
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Visual Infrastructure Management Solutions: The Next Generation of CAFM Systems |
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Web Services Solution for Wastewater Work Management Operations |
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Ocean, Coastal, and Marine Resources |
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A Biogeographic Assessment of Fauna in California Marine Sanctuaries |
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Advancement of an Enterprise Coastal GIS in Martin County, Florida |
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ArcGIS 8.x Benthic Habitat Extension: Analysis in American Samoa |
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ArcGIS Tools for Environmental Sensitivity Index Mapping and Contingency Planning |
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Bilingual Marine Data Distribution Using ArcIMS for Coral Reef Conservation |
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Building Capacity in the U.S. Flag Pacific Islands |
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Case Study of the ArcGIS Marine Data Model: Examining Habitat Utilization Patterns of Reef Fish along the West Coast of Hawaii |
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Classifying Deep Water Benthic Habitats Around Tutuila, American Samoa |
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Discovering the Depths With GIS in the Deep Sea |
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Geologic Sea-Floor Mapping: Marine Data Model Case Study |
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GIS Analysis of Common Snook Movement Patterns in Southeast Florida |
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GIS Mapping and ArcIMS Integration, San Diego Nearshore Program |
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GIS System for Preventing Ballast Water-Borne Species Introduction |
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Impacts of Historic Tsunamis on the Coastal Geomorphology of Hawaii |
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Implementing Marine XML for NOAA Observing Data |
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Integration of Model Results and the Marine Data Model |
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Lagos Lagoon Coastal Profile: Information Database for Planning Theory |
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Merging Bathymetric-Topographic Data to Common Vertical Datum for Louisiana |
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Moving Toward Achieving Consistency in Coastal GIS Shorelines With Vdatum |
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Oceanographic Analysis in the Bering Sea Using ArcGIS Engine/Java/Java3D |
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Planning Coastwide Restoration in Louisiana With GIS and Predicted Models |
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Species-Specific Marine Habitat Maps From High-Resolution, Digital Hydrographic Data |
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Tampa Bay Estuary Data and Information Management System (DIMS) |
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Petroleum |
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"Spatializing" the Enterprise: GIS Web Portals for Major Petroleum Companies |
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Editing Data in the ArcGIS Pipeline Data Model |
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Enterprise GIS-Federation of BHP Billiton GIS Efforts |
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Exploration Targets Highgraded Using ArcMap, Spotfire, and MapConnect |
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Fuel and Energy Complex Data Analyzing in Russian North-West |
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GIS Inside an Independent Oil and Gas Company |
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Globalization of GIS in Shell |
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Indiana Geological Survey's Petroleum Database Management System: GIS and RDBMS |
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Integrated Mapping at BHP Billiton |
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Integration and Vizualisation of 3D Petroleum Data in ArcScene |
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Interoperabilty: A Key to Global Oil and Gas Exploration |
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Spatially Enabling Exploration and Production Data Using PPDM Standards |
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Pipeline Transmission |
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A Safe Approach in Implementing a GIS Solution |
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Migrate Mapping of Transmission Pipeline Data From ArcView to ArcGIS |
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Overland Spread and Hydrographic Flow Modeling for Pipeline Integrity Management |
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Pipeline Integrity Management Using Linear Referencing With ArcObjects |
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Remote Sensing Imagery |
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A Complete Building Extraction System From Elevation Data |
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An Archive of Satellite Imagery for the Intermountain Region |
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ArcMap as a Quality Assurance Tool in Photogrammetry |
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GIS Pattern Recognition and Rejection Analysis Using MATLAB |
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High Resolution Imagery for Mapping Riparian Vegetation Structure |
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Historical Aerial Photography Orthorectified for Prince Georges County, MD |
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New Multi-Spectral Digital Imaging System Technologies |
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TXDAPA: Geo-Referencing Historical Aerial Photography of Texas |
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Using ArcGIS for Geospatial Analysis With Multi/Hyperspectral Data |
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Spatial Data Infrastructure |
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Building a European Spatial Data Infrastructure |
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Creating a Distributed National Database for Carbon Sequestration |
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Developing Hawaii’s Geospatial Implementation Plan (I-Plan) for Framework Data |
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DISCUSS: an Alternative For Taking Decisions With an Incomplete SDI |
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Spatial Data Infrastructure: North Carolina Case Study-Panel Discussion on NC OneMap and The National Map |
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State and Local Government |
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Anatomy of a Successful Municipal Enterprise GIS and ROI |
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Applications Development for Fifty-Year Public Works Planning |
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ArcGIS 8.3 Spearheads GIS Data Conversion: City of Cleveland, Ohio |
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ArcIMS Intranet Application: San Diego CityWorks Tracks Municipal Projects |
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Automating GIS Analysis in Rezoning Application Reviews |
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Baltimore's Project 5000: Taking Property Ownership for Community Revitalization |
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Buildable Land Inventory for a Small City |
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Building a Spatially Referenced Asset Management System for Municipalities |
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Building a Successful Enterprise GIS in San Francisco |
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Building Local Government Enterprise GIS in a Limited Fiscal Environment |
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Building Spatial Information Infrastructure for Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) |
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Can You Hear Me Now? Helping Local Officials Understand GIS |
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Challenges and Successes of Enterprise-GIS Applications: Paper Map-Digital Aerial-Satellite Imagery |
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City of Chicago Automated Vehicle Tracking Project |
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City of Durango's 2004 Community Forestry Program |
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City, County, and School Analysis Using ArcGIS |
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Collaborative Capital Investment Planning |
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Community Based Information System for Infrastructure Improvement in Ludhiana, India |
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County-Scale Green Infrastructure Planning Using GIS Spatial Analysis |
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Creating Consensus Plans Using GIS Technology |
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Creating Custom Intranet Applications for Individual County Departments Using ArcIMS |
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Customizing ArcPad to Update a Street Sign Asset Management System |
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Data Democratization to Facism: 20 Years of State GIS Policy |
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Data Development and Maintenance Within the Municipal Public Works Arena |
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DC Real-Time Snowplow Tracking System |
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Decision Making Aided by 3D Scene |
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Delaware County GIS Build-Out Feasibility Analysis for Future Sewer Service |
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Developing a Web GIS-Based Public Opinion Survey System |
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Development and Integration of Enterprise GIS |
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Development and Maintenance of a Critical Application Geodatabase for Transportation |
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Development of the Zoning Maps Using ArcMap With MapBook Extension |
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Discovering Food Stamp Fraud Using ArcIMS and WebFOCUS |
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Do News Maps Shape Audience Perceptions? |
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Enterprise GIS at the City of Kansas City, Missouri |
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Enterprisewide GIS Within the Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas |
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Enterprise-wide Implementation Strategies at the City of Kirkland, Washington |
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Establishing an Integrated GIS Program "Step-by-Step" |
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Florida Statewide Parcel Map |
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Funding Local Government Geodata Operations Without Selling Data |
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Geocoding 1.5 Million Registered Voters in Maricopa County, Arizona |
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Geocoding: Way Beyond the Centerline in NYC |
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GIS and GPS Applications in Public Transit Accessibility Assessment |
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GIS for a Policy Decision Support in National Tourism Portal |
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GIS in Local Government |
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GIS Sweeping Our Streets |
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GIS Web Sites for Muncipal Government: The State of the Art |
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Growth Management Plan for Milford Township, PA: Suitability Analysis and Build Out Scenarios |
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Honolulu, Hawaii Building Footprint Geodatabase Project: 3D Urban Visualization |
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How U.S. Planning Agencies Are Using GIS and Technology |
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Implementation and Conversion to ArcSDE for the Inexperienced and Uninitiated |
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Improving Communities Using ArcGIS, GPS, and Hansen |
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Innovative Enterprise GIS for Local Government |
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Integrating ArcIMS and Document Management in a Large Water District |
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Issues in Building an Enterprise GIS in Small Local Government |
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Kentucky: THE Commonwealth Map |
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Local Government: Small Staff, Lots of Work; What to Do? |
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Louisiana Uses Esri Products to Earn Millions in Petroleum Leasing |
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Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Interactive Mapping and Analysis Web Site |
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Migrating a County Government to Geodatabase Editing |
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Migrating Embedded Government Workflows to Better Software |
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On the Street Where You Live, Work, and Shop |
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Perfect Partners: Geospatial Technology, Geospatial Users, 4-H Youth! |
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Poverty Alleviation Through Geographic Targeting: Does Disaggregation Help? |
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Providing Public Access to King County GIS Data |
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Suitability for a Lower Income Golf Course in Corpus Christi |
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Sustainable Development Legislation: Sacrificing Property Rights or Strengthening Property Values |
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Tackling the Burden of Vacant Housing Using ArcPad |
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Tacoma Economic Development: GIS Diversity, SAP Addresses, and 3D Visualization |
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The Evolution of Zoning Data Utilizing SDE and Oracle Spatial |
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The Power and Evolution of GIS in Lucas County |
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Three Cs for Creating Regional Datasets: Cooperation, Collaboration, and Cajoling |
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Tuned In, Turned On, Spaced Out: Houston's GIS Underground |
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Using 3D GIS to Sell Development Solutions to a Non-Technical Audience |
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Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst to Guide Delaware's Spending Strategy |
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Using ArcGIS Tools for Rapid Updating of a County Atlas |
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Using ArcIMS for Enterprise Information Integration |
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Using CommunityViz for Decision Support Applications in Northwest Arkansas |
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Using GIS to Rebuild a Desert Enclave: Mesaieed, Qatar |
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Using GIS to Visualize Alternative Futures |
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Utilizing Imagery in Economic Development Applications |
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Wisconsin's Enterprise GIS Initiatives |
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Your Gateway to Neighborhood Level Census Data and Maps |
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Zooming in on the Big Picture: Improving GI With ArcIMS |
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Surveying |
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GIS Tools to Support the Plate Boundary Observatory of Earthscope |
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Harris County's Benchmark Network Evolves Into Web-Based GIS Mapping Solution |
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Height Modernization |
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Implementing the NCEES Model Law for Surveyors and GIS |
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LABINS: An Internet Tool for Distribution of Survey and Mapping Data |
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Montana's Geodetic Control Database |
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Opportunities and Hurdles: Welcome to South Carolina! |
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Printed Holographic Cartographic Land Survey Images |
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The GISCI Certification Program---Completing the Application |
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Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Affairs |
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A Global GIS Database for Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Mapping |
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Afghanistan: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow? |
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Better Understanding Livelihood Strategies and Poverty Through Livelihood Assets Mapping |
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Community-Based Mapping for Disaster Mitigation and Response |
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Evolving Geospatial Tools and Databases to Support Global Sustainability Research |
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Food Security Mapping for Cambodia |
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GIS in Settlement Design |
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Human Rights AWhereness: GIS and Human Rights Campaigns |
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Humanitarian Information Unit-Interagency GIS |
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LandScan Global Population Database |
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Locating Population and Poverty: A Call for Participation |
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Mapping Honduras Poverty: Indicators and Perceptions |
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Mapping Poverty and Nutrition in Nigeria |
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One Casualty of the War in Afghanistan Has Been Data |
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Poverty Maps, Demographic and Economic Indicators on the Web El Salvador, Central America |
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Review of Poverty Mapping Case Studies at the Country Level |
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Rural Poverty in Mexico – The Spatial Dimension |
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Spatial Analysis of Food Poverty in Ecuador |
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Spatial Clustering of Rural Poor in Sri Lanka |
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Spatial Variation of Rural Poverty in Bangladesh |
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Status of Poverty-Mapping Efforts by Loma Linda University and the University of Redlands in Tanzania, Malawi, and Honduras |
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System Dynamic Modeling Combined With GIS in Rural Development Planning |
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Targeting Investments for Poverty Reduction: Tools for Decision Makers |
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United Nations Cartographic Section |
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Urban Slum Monitoring |
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Using GIS to Communicate Sustainable Development |
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Using GIS to Develop and Improve Local Governance in Iraq |
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What Makes Information Humanitarian? Do We Need a Paradigm Change? |
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Why the Poor in Rural Malawi Are Where They Are |
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System Implementation for GIS |
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Address Management From a Spatial Focus |
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An ArcSDE Data Maintenance System Incorporating Rapid Feedback Response Loops |
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An Enterprise Approach to GIS System Design and Implementation |
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ArcGIS 9: Deploying Sever-Based GIS Functionality for Indianapolis/Marion County, Indiana |
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Building a High-Availability ArcIMS Hosting Infrastructure for NYC |
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Development of Enterprise GIS for the Kentucky Army National Guard |
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Distributed ArcGIS Batch Processing |
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Integrating and Distributing Data to Technical and Non-Technical Users |
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Pasadena Water and Power GIS Preparation: More Than Just Data |
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Software Migration at King County, WA: Planning and Early Implementation |
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Trans-Pacific Enterprise GIS Implementation for the Pacific Air Forces |
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Web-Based Components for a Successful ArcIMS Implementation |
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Telecommunications |
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Broadband Mapping and Network Design Using Realtime GIS |
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Desktop Wireless Design Merged With ArcView and ArcView Business Analyst |
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DSL Target Marketing Using ArcIMS |
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Feature Extraction From LIDAR With the Application of Radiowave Modeling |
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Network Management Through Integrated Environment and Geodatabase |
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Wi-Fi Deployment Selection Using ArcIMS |
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Transportation |
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A Tour of the AIXM Concepts |
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A Cost-Effective GIS Safety Analysis Tool for Improving Highway Safety |
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A Down-to-Earth GIS Plan |
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A Statewide GPS Dataset: Geocoded Road Centerlines |
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Aeronautical Transformation: Paper to Digits |
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An Introduction to Aeronautical Data Exchange Using AIXM |
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Birdstrike Data Integration With ArcView at Santa Barbara Airport |
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City of Boulder, Colorado, Transportation Information System: Customized ArcIMS Web Site |
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Crash Data Management Using GPS and GIS |
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Creating a Single Transportation Database for ArcGIS and MicroStation Geographics |
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Data Replication and Synchronization for ArcGIS |
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DDOT Street Spatial Database: A Use Case for UNETRANS |
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Determining Underserved Areas of Public Transit in Rural South Carolina |
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Developing Community Profiles and Implementing Sociocultural Tools in Transportation GIS |
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Development of a Highway Crash Data Analysis Program With GIS |
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Development of a Transportation Decision Support Tool Using MapObjects |
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Development of an Automated Traffic Crash Mapping System Using MapObjects |
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Development of Multi-State GIS Application for the Appalachian Development Highways |
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Efficient Method to Develop a New Layer, Intersecting Multiple Layers |
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Getting Up to Speed: SOCAL High Speed Rail Corridor Analysis |
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GIS Application in Developing a Roadway Feature Inventory Program |
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Implementing an ArcGIS Application for Travel Model Network Development |
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Implementing an Integrated Street Centerline Geodatabase |
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Implementing Environmental Management and Analysis Tools in a Transportation GIS |
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Improving the Road Treatment Decision-Making Process Through ArcPad |
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Incorporating an NPDES Program Into an Established Annual Inspection Program |
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Information System of Slovenian Railway Infrastructure: RAGIS |
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Innovative Street Data Capture and Dissemination Using GIS |
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Integration of Local Roads Into a Statewide GIS Layer |
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Isochronal Travel Time Maps Using Dynamic Segmentation |
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Location Reference Systems for Florida Roadway Crashes |
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Mapping the National Bridge Inventory to a Common Base Network |
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NJDOT and NHDOT Statewide Transportation Data Model |
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NYSDOT’s Winter Traveler Advisory: A High Volume Real-Time ArcIMS Site |
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One Click Access to Engineering Drawings in the Field |
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Outreaching to Bike Dependent Communities Using GIS |
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Production of a National Series of Aeronautical Charts Using ArcMap |
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Providing Driving Directions During Reconstruction of a Complex Urban Interchange |
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Quantitative Slope Stability Mapping With ArcGIS: Prioritize Highway Maintenance |
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Real-Time Incident Tracking in ArcIMS |
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Reengineering TFR Graphics Web System |
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Representing and Visualizing Travel Diary Data: A Spatio-Temporal GIS Approach |
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San Diego Airport's Infrastructure Management System: What Is to Come? |
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Software Tools for Location of No-Passing Zones Using GPS Data |
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Spatial Analysis of Highway Commuter Patterns |
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The Environmental Screening Tool: Efficient Transportation Decision Making With ArcIMS |
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Transportation Network Models to Accurately Estimate Transit Level of Service |
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Updating Performance Measures of Minnesota's Interregional Corridor System |
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Using ArcGIS to Help Los Angeles Become Bike Friendly |
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Using Data Mining Techniques on Fleet Management System |
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Using GIS to Quantify Transportation Performance Measures |
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Web-Based Vehicle Routing Solutions for Waste Management, Inc. |
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Water Resources |
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Application of Hydrology Enhanced Flow Direction Grids Within Arc Hydro |
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ArcAEM: GIS-Based Interface for Analytic Element Groundwater Model |
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Automating Texas' First and Largest Underground Water District |
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AVGWLF Non-Point Source Pollution Model |
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Comparing GIS Data Types Within the Arc Hydro Data Model |
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Comparison of LIDAR-Generated Channel Features With On-Ground Surveys |
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Converting a NEXRAD Map to a Floodplain Map |
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Creating an Environmental Database to Facilitate Groundwater Contamination Analysis |
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Developing an Enterprise GIS for Water Resources Management |
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Developing Water Resource Baseline Conditions for Planning |
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Development and Implementation of an INteractive STream Assessment Resource: INSTAR |
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Development of GIS-Based Stream Flow Data Analysis System for Turkey |
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Estimating Drainage Areas Using Thiessen Catchments for the NHD |
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Evaluation of Potential Hydropower Sites Throughout the United States |
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Flood Plain Modeling/Mapping at DuPage County, IL Requires GIS |
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Geospatial Calculation of SCS Runoff Curve Numbers |
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GEO-STORM: A Tool for Floodplain and Watershed Management |
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GIS and Analytic Hierarchy Process for Siting Water Harvesting Reservoirs |
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GIS and Groundwater Vulnerability Modeling |
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GIS and Urban Hydrology: Flood Hazard Mapping With GIS |
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GIS-Based Assessment of Post-Wildfire Debris-Flow Hazards, Southern California |
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How GIS Technologies Improve Watershed Master Planning |
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Integrated Water Quality Management Through GIS |
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Lower Nueces River GIS |
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Modeling Feasibility and Impacts of Water Transfer in Florida |
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Modeling Sub-Basin Scale Erosion Using DEMs and Land Use Grids |
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Modeling the Propagation of DEM Uncertainty in Flood Inundation |
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Modernizing Water Rights Data for Use in Land Information Systems |
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Monitoring Florida's Waters |
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Mt. Morris Dam Emergency Action Plan |
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NHDGeo Edit: Tools for Keeping the National Hydrography Dataset Current |
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Relation of Probable Maximum Precipitation Depth-Area-Duration Using GIS |
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Risks for Drinking Water Protection Areas: Surface and Hydrogeologic Displays |
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Spatial Analysis of Storms Using GIS |
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Strategies for Stream Classification Using GIS |
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Stratigraphic Mapping for Establishing a Groundwater Resource Baseline |
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Sustainable Yield Estimation for the Hemet/San Jacinto Valley Groundwater Basin, California |
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The Effect of Grid Cell Size on Major Terrain Derivatives |
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The Use of GIS on Water Quality Mapping |
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Tool for Processing Hydrologic Parameters for HCFCD HEC-HMS Simulations |
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Using Arc Hydro Tools to Analyze Agricultural Management Practices |
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Using BLOBs to Track Edit History of Water Right Features |
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Using GIS to Store, Retrieve and Disseminate Water Resources Data |
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Using NHD in the Incident Command Information Tool |
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Visualizing Water Quality in the Adopt-A-Stream Program With GIS |
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Web-Based Tools for Watershed Delineation and Characterization Using EDNA |
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WebRIT: An EPA Enterprise Tool for Web-Based Locational Data Improvement |
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Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater |
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A New Approach to Tracking Service Requests and Projects |
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ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Helps Model Water Availability During the August 14th Blackout |
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Butler County, Ohio Saves Thousands Using Prisoners to Convert Data |
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Collaborative Enterprise Planning for Utilities for Lakehaven Utility District, Washington |
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Creating a Sewer Geodatabase Model for the City of Torrance |
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DEM Sreet Burning Methodology for an Urban Stormwater Drainage System |
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Enterprise Geodatabase Implementation for a Large Wastewater Collection System |
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Evaluating Treatment Process Equipment the GIS Way |
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Exercise in Designing a Wastewater Object Model |
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GIS and Beyond: Looking to SAP Through the Geo-Window |
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GIS Weathers the New Stormwater Regulations |
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Green Bay Water Utility Migrates to ArcSDE Geodatabase |
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Hillsborough County, Florida's Stormwater GIS |
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Honolulu Board of Water Supply: Leveraging GIS Investment With GPS |
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Implementation of a Utility GIS Through the Intranet |
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Implementation of a Water Geodatabase for the City of Cape Town |
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Implementing an Advanced ArcIMS Application for a Water/Wastewater Utility |
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Infrastructure Data Management Using ArcGIS and Hansen |
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Integrating GIS With Core Business Applications: Enterprise GIS for Utilities |
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Lessons Learned Implementing Utility Asset Management Systems: Newport News, Virginia |
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Modernizing a Water/Wastewater GIS |
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More Than an Upgrade: The Austin Water Utility Experience |
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Nashville Metro Water Services Integrates Hansen IMS and ArcGIS |
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Overcoming the Challenges of Mobile GIS and Field Computing Projects |
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PACS 2000 Sewer Use Enforcement Integrates Cincinnati Area GIS |
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Spatial Analysis of a Wastewater Effluent Plume, Bow River, Alberta |
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Sustainable Management of Urban Rivers and Floodplains Using ArcGIS |
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Taking the Cambridge, Massachusetts Geodatabase to the Next Level |
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Technical Challenges in Implementing Otay Water District's Enterprise GIS System |
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The GIS Nucleus: A Synergistic Mechanism for Wastewater Operations Management |
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Tracking Water Service Facility History Within ArcMap |
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Updating a Utility GIS to Depict New Construction |
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Using GIS and GPS for Sanitary Sewer I/I Detection |
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Using GIS to Aid in GASB 34 Reporting |
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Utilize GIS as the Foundation for Enterprise Solution |
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Utilizing GIS and Field Computing Technologies to Improve O&M Efficiencies |